
Title Moon of Dreams
Max Level 95
Senshi Points
1-Star 5
2-Star 10
3-Star 15
4-Star 30
5-Star 35
Senshi Blessings
Senshi Blessings (Upgraded)
Detailed Information
Cute but sluggish, Luna represents moonlight in the mysterious village of Jensen - home to the Senshi that control the power of nature.

She might be short and look adorable, but Luna controls moonlight energy and use it to shock anyone that disturbs her slumber. It's best not to drive her batty!
Senshi Information
ATK Bonus 4403
HP Bonus 5433
Star Star Energy Materials
1-Star 5 -
2-Star 10
3-Star 15
4-Star 20
5-Star 20
Name DMG Effect
Magic Moon Lv1
354% Elemental DMG
Magic Moon Lv2
386% Elemental DMG
Magic Moon Lv3
419% Elemental DMG
Astral: Magic Moon Lv1
452% Elemental DMG
Astral: Magic Moon Lv2
485% Elemental DMG
Magic Star
232% Melee DMG
Magic Star
232% Melee DMG
Magic Star
232% Melee DMG
Magic Star
232% Melee DMG
Magic Star
232% Melee DMG
Senshi Formation
Moonlit Beauty [+]
Senshi Item Stat Bonus Max Strength
ATK +3150
CRIT +630
Max Effect: Stage 1
Arcane attribute skill DMG increased by 17%
When attacking, there is a 9% chance to increase DEF by 12.5%, lasting 6 seconds, Cooldown 12 seconds
Max Effect: Stage 2
ATK increased by 11%
When attacking, EVA increases by 13.5%, lasts for 6 seconds, Cooldown 12 seconds
Max Effect: Stage 3
DMG dealt to Boss monsters increased by 17%
When attacking, there is a 14% chance to increase maximum HP by 17%, lasting for 6 seconds, Cooldown 12 seconds
Rainbow Moon Festival [+]
Senshi Item Stat Bonus Max Strength
HP +8100
DEF +1260
Max Effect: Stage 1
HP increased by 21%
When attacked, there is a 22% chance that Boss DMG will be reduced by 21%, lasting for 6 seconds, with a 12-second Cooldown.
Max Effect: Stage 2
DEF increased by 17%
When attacked, there is a 22% chance to recover 21% HP, Cooldown 3 seconds.
Max Effect: Stage 3
All attribute resistance increased by 21%
When attacked, there is a 22% chance to gain a shield that absorbs 100% DMG for 5 layers, lasting 6 seconds, Cooldown 12 seconds.
Hair Accessory Expert [+]
Senshi Item Stat Bonus Max Strength
DEF +1530
CRIT +990
Max Effect: Stage 1
ATK SPD increased by 26%
When attacked, there is a 28% chance to increase EVA by 20%, lasting for 6 seconds, Cooldown 12 seconds
Max Effect: Stage 2
All attribute resistance increased by 26%
When attacking, there is a 25% chance to reduce the target's ATK by 26%, lasting for 6 seconds, Cooldown 12 seconds
Max Effect: Stage 3
Elemental attribute skill DMG increased by 26%
When attacking, there is a 25% chance that the DMG received from the Boss will be reduced by 26%, lasting for 6 seconds, with a Cooldown of 12 seconds.