Holy Crystal Bonus Chart

RNG Weight may not reflect the actual value used by the server.

- 100 100 100 100 100 100
1 251 205 153 105 102 111
2 402 310 206 110 104 122
3 553 415 259 115 106 133
4 704 520 312 120 108 144
5 855 625 365 125 110 155
6 1,006 730 418 130 112 166
7 1,157 835 471 135 114 177
8 1,308 940 524 140 116 188
9 1,459 1,045 577 145 118 199
10 1,610 1,150 630 150 120 210
11 1,776 1,266 689 156 122 222
12 1,942 1,382 748 162 124 234
13 2,108 1,498 807 168 126 246
14 2,274 1,614 866 174 128 258
15 2,440 1,730 925 180 130 270
16 2,606 1,846 984 186 132 282
17 2,772 1,962 1,043 192 134 294
18 2,938 2,078 1,102 198 136 306
19 3,104 2,194 1,161 204 138 318
20 3,270 2,310 1,220 210 140 330
21 3,451 2,436 1,284 216 142 343
22 3,632 2,562 1,348 222 144 356
23 3,813 2,688 1,412 228 146 369
24 3,994 2,814 1,476 234 148 382
25 4,175 2,940 1,540 240 150 395
26 4,356 3,066 1,604 246 152 408
27 4,537 3,192 1,668 252 154 421
28 4,718 3,318 1,732 258 156 434
29 4,899 3,444 1,796 264 158 447
30 5,080 3,570 1,860 270 160 460
31 5,269 3,701 1,927 276 162 474
32 5,458 3,832 1,994 282 164 488
33 5,647 3,963 2,061 288 166 502
34 5,836 4,094 2,128 294 168 516
35 6,025 4,225 2,195 300 170 530
36 6,214 4,356 2,262 306 172 544
37 6,403 4,487 2,329 312 174 558
38 6,592 4,618 2,396 318 176 572
39 6,781 4,749 2,463 324 178 586
40 6,970 4,880 2,530 330 180 600
41 7,166 5,017 2,599 337 182 614
42 7,362 5,154 2,668 344 184 628
43 7,558 5,291 2,737 351 186 642
44 7,754 5,428 2,806 358 188 656
45 7,950 5,565 2,875 365 190 670
46 8,146 5,702 2,944 372 192 684
47 8,342 5,839 3,013 379 194 698
48 8,538 5,976 3,082 386 196 712
49 8,734 6,113 3,151 393 198 726
50 8,930 6,250 3,220 400 200 740
51 9,134 6,392 3,292 407 202 755
52 9,338 6,534 3,364 414 204 770
53 9,542 6,676 3,436 421 206 785
54 9,746 6,818 3,508 428 208 800
55 9,950 6,960 3,580 435 210 815
56 10,154 7,102 3,652 442 212 830
57 10,358 7,244 3,724 449 214 845
58 10,562 7,386 3,796 456 216 860
59 10,766 7,528 3,868 463 218 875
60 10,970 7,670 3,940 470 220 890
61 11,182 7,817 4,015 477 223 905
62 11,394 7,964 4,090 484 226 920
63 11,606 8,111 4,165 491 229 935
64 11,818 8,258 4,240 498 232 950
65 12,030 8,405 4,315 505 235 965
66 12,242 8,552 4,390 512 238 980
67 12,454 8,699 4,465 519 241 995
68 12,666 8,846 4,540 526 244 1,010
69 12,878 8,993 4,615 533 247 1,025
70 13,090 9,140 4,690 540 250 1,040
71 13,309 9,292 4,767 547 253 1,056
72 13,528 9,444 4,844 554 256 1,072
73 13,747 9,596 4,921 561 259 1,088
74 13,966 9,748 4,998 568 262 1,104
75 14,185 9,900 5,075 575 265 1,120
76 14,404 10,052 5,152 582 268 1,136
77 14,623 10,204 5,229 589 271 1,152
78 14,842 10,356 5,306 596 274 1,168
79 15,061 10,508 5,383 603 277 1,184
80 15,280 10,660 5,460 610 280 1,200
81 15,507 10,818 5,540 618 283 1,216
82 15,734 10,976 5,620 626 286 1,232
83 15,961 11,134 5,700 634 289 1,248
84 16,188 11,292 5,780 642 292 1,264
85 16,415 11,450 5,860 650 295 1,280
86 16,642 11,608 5,940 658 298 1,296
87 16,869 11,766 6,020 666 301 1,312
88 17,096 11,924 6,100 674 304 1,328
89 17,323 12,082 6,180 682 307 1,344
90 17,550 12,240 6,260 690 310 1,360
Holy Crystal
Effect RNG Weight
Level 1
Reduce 7.5% Chance of receiving CRIT 20
Reduce 7% Chance of receiving CRIT 25
Reduce 6.5% Chance of receiving CRIT 50
Reduce 6% Chance of receiving CRIT 70
Reduce 5.5% Chance of receiving CRIT 140
Reduce 5% Chance of Taking CRIT 250
Reduce 4.5% Chance of Taking CRIT 500
Reduce 4% Chance of Taking CRIT 1000
Reduce 3.5% Chance of Taking CRIT 2000
Reduce 3% Chance of Taking CRIT 5485
EVA +6.5% 15
EVA +6% 25
EVA +5.5% 50
EVA +5% 70
EVA +4.5% 140
EVA +4% 250
EVA +3.5% 500
EVA +3% 1000
EVA +2.5% 2000
EVA +2% 5485
Reduce 7.5% DMG from Boss 20
Reduce 7% DMG from Boss 25
Reduce 6.5% DMG from Boss 50
Reduce 6% DMG from Boss 70
Reduce 5.5% DMG from Boss 140
Reduce 5% DMG from Boss 250
Reduce 4.5% DMG from Boss 500
Reduce 4% DMG from Boss 1000
Reduce 3.5% DMG from Boss 2000
Reduce 3% DMG from Boss 5485
Reduce 31% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 15
Reduce 28% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 25
Reduce 25% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 50
Reduce 22% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 70
Reduce 19% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 140
Reduce 16% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 250
Reduce 13% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 500
Reduce 10% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 1000
Reduce 7% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 2000
Reduce 4% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 5485
Reduce 17% CRIT DMG taken 20
Reduce 15% CRIT DMG taken 25
Reduce 13% CRIT DMG taken 50
Reduce 11% CRIT DMG taken 70
Reduce 9% CRIT DMG taken 140
Reduce 8% CRIT DMG taken 250
Reduce 6% CRIT DMG taken 500
Reduce 5% CRIT DMG taken 1000
Reduce 3% CRIT DMG taken 2000
Reduce 2% CRIT DMG taken 5485
+20% Hate Generate 20
+18% Hate Generate 25
+16% Hate Generate 50
+14% Hate Generate 70
+12% Hate Generate 140
+10% Hate Generate 250
+8% Hate 500
+6% Hate Generate 1000
+4% Hate Generate 2000
+2% Hate Generate 5485
ATK Value +6% 140
ATK Value +5% 250
ATK Value +4% 500
ATK Value +3% 1000
CRIT Value +6% 250
CRIT Value +5% 500
CRIT Value +4% 1000
CRIT Value +3% 2000
SPD +5% 500
SPD +4% 1000
SPD +3% 2000
SPD +2% 5485
Level 2
CRIT Value +7.5% 100
CRIT Value +7% 150
CRIT Value +6.5% 250
CRIT Value +6% 500
CRIT Value +5.5% 750
CRIT Value +5% 1000
CRIT Value +4.5% 1250
CRIT Value +4% 1500
CRIT Value +3.5% 1750
CRIT Value +3% 2000
SPD Value +7.5% 200
SPD Value +7% 300
SPD Value +6.5% 400
SPD Value +6% 500
SPD Value +5.5% 700
SPD Value +5% 1000
SPD Value +4.5% 1500
SPD Value +4% 2000
SPD Value +3.5% 2500
SPD Value +3% 3000
ACC +7.5% 200
ACC +7% 300
ACC +6.5% 400
ACC +6% 500
ACC +5.5% 700
ACC +5% 1000
ACC +4.5% 1500
ACC +4% 2000
ACC +3.5% 2500
ACC +3% 3000
+31% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 50
+28% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 150
+25% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 250
+22% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 500
+19% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 750
+16% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 1000
+13% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 1250
+10% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 1500
+7% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 1750
+4% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 2000
+10% CRIT Chance to Boss 200
+9% CRIT Chance to Boss 300
+8% CRIT Chance to Boss 400
+7% CRIT Chance to Boss 500
+6% CRIT Chance to Boss 700
+5% CRIT Chance to Boss 1000
+4% CRIT Chance to Boss 1500
+3% CRIT Chance to Boss 2000
+2% CRIT Chance to Boss 2500
+1% CRIT Chance to Boss 3000
+21% CRIT DMG to Boss 200
+19% CRIT DMG to Boss 300
+17% CRIT DMG to Boss 400
+15% CRIT DMG to Boss 500
+13% CRIT DMG to Boss 700
+11% CRIT DMG to Boss 1000
+9% CRIT DMG to Boss 1500
+7% CRIT DMG to Boss 2000
+5% CRIT DMG to Boss 2500
+3% CRIT DMG to Boss 3000
ATK Value +6% 100
ATK Value +5% 250
ATK Value +4% 500
ATK Value +3% 1000
SPD +5% 500
SPD +4% 1000
SPD +3% 2000
SPD +2% 3000
Level 3
EVA Value +7.5% 200
EVA Value +7% 300
EVA Value +6.5% 400
EVA Value +6% 500
EVA Value +5.5% 700
EVA Value +5% 1000
EVA Value +4.5% 1500
EVA Value +4% 2000
EVA Value +3.5% 2500
EVA Value +3% 3000
DEF Value +7.5% 200
DEF Value +7% 300
DEF Value +6.5% 400
DEF Value +6% 500
DEF Value +5.5% 700
DEF Value +5% 1000
DEF Value +4.5% 1500
DEF Value +4% 2000
DEF Value +3.5% 2500
DEF Value +3% 3000
HP +7.5% 200
HP +7% 300
HP +6.5% 400
HP +6% 500
HP +5.5% 700
Max HP +5% 1000
Max HP +4.5% 1500
Max HP +4% 2000
Max HP +3.5% 2500
Max HP +3% 3000
Reduce 11% DMG taken by Enemy player 50
Reduce 10% DMG taken by Enemy player 150
Reduce 9% DMG taken by Enemy player 250
Reduce 8% DMG taken by Enemy player 500
Reduce 7% DMG taken by Enemy player 750
Reduce 6% DMG taken by Enemy player 1000
Reduce 5% DMG taken by Enemy player 1250
Reduce 4% DMG taken by Enemy player 1500
Reduce 3% DMG taken by Enemy player 1750
Reduce 2% DMG taken by Enemy player 2000
Movement SPD +10% 50
Movement SPD +9% 150
Movement SPD +8% 250
Movement SPD +7% 500
Movement SPD +6% 750
Movement SPD +5% 1000
Movement SPD +4% 1250
Movement SPD +3% 1500
Movement SPD +2% 1750
Movement SPD +1% 2000
All Res +10% 50
All Res +9% 150
All Res +8% 250
All Res +7% 500
All Res +6% 750
All Res +5% 1000
All Res +4% 1250
All Res +3% 1500
All Res +2% 1750
All Res +1% 2000
ATK Value +6% 250
ATK Value +5% 500
ATK Value +4% 1000
ATK Value +3% 2000
CRIT Value +6% 250
CRIT Value +5% 500
CRIT Value +4% 1000
CRIT Value +3% 2000
SPD +5% 500
SPD +4% 1000
SPD +3% 2000
SPD +2% 3000
Level 4
CRIT DMG +19% 200
CRIT DMG +17% 300
CRIT DMG +15% 400
CRIT DMG +13% 500
CRIT DMG +11% 700
CRIT DMG +9% 1000
CRIT DMG +7% 1500
CRIT DMG +5% 2000
CRIT DMG +4% 2500
CRIT DMG +2% 3000
SPD +6.5% 200
SPD +6% 300
SPD +5.5% 400
SPD +5% 500
SPD +4.5% 700
SPD +4% 1000
SPD +3.5% 1500
SPD +3% 2000
SPD +2.5% 2500
SPD +2% 3000
ATK Value +7.5% 50
ATK Value +7% 125
ATK Value +6.5% 180
ATK Value +6% 250
ATK Value +5.5% 375
ATK Value +5% 500
ATK Value +4.5% 750
ATK Value +4% 1000
ATK Value +3.5% 1500
ATK Value +3% 2000
+11% DMG to Enemy player 50
+10% DMG to Enemy player 150
+9% DMG to Enemy player 250
+8% DMG to Enemy player 500
+7% DMG to Enemy player 750
+6% DMG to Enemy player 1000
+5% DMG to Enemy player 1250
+4% DMG to Enemy player 1500
+3% DMG to Enemy player 1750
+2% DMG to Enemy player 2000
+19% skill Healing Amount 200
+17% skill Healing Amount 300
+15% skill Healing Amount 400
+13% skill Healing Amount 500
+11% skill Healing Amount 700
+9% Healing done 1000
+7% Healing done 1500
+5% Healing done 2000
+3% Healing done 2500
+2% Healing done 3000
+11% DMG dealt to Boss 200
+10% DMG dealt to Boss 300
+9% DMG dealt to Boss 400
+8% DMG dealt to Boss 500
+7% DMG dealt to Boss 700
DMG dealt to Boss +6% 1000
DMG dealt to Boss +5% 1500
DMG dealt to Boss +4% 2000
DMG dealt to Boss +3% 2500
DMG dealt to Boss +2% 3000
CRIT Value +6% 250
CRIT Value +5% 500
CRIT Value +4% 1000
CRIT Value +3% 2000
Level 5
Reduce 9.5% Chance of receiving CRIT 5
Reduce 9% Chance of receiving CRIT 10
Reduce 8.5% Chance of receiving CRIT 20
Reduce 8% Chance of receiving CRIT 25
Reduce 7.5% Chance of receiving CRIT 50
Reduce 7% chance receiving CRIT 100
Reduce 6.5% chance receiving CRIT 140
Reduce 6% chance receiving CRIT 500
Reduce 5.5% chance receiving CRIT 2000
Reduce 5% chance receiving CRIT 10970
EVA Chance +8.5% 5
EVA Chance +8% 10
EVA Chance +7.5% 20
EVA Chance +7% 25
EVA Chance +6.5% 50
EVA +6% 100
EVA +5.5% 140
EVA +5% 500
EVA +4.5% 2000
EVA +4% 10970
Reduce 9.5% DMG taken from Boss 1
Reduce 9% DMG taken from Boss 3
Reduce 8.5% DMG taken from Boss 5
Reduce 8% DMG taken from Boss 10
Reduce 7.5% DMG taken from Boss 25
Reduce 7% DMG taken from Boss 50
Reduce 6.5% DMG taken from Boss 70
Reduce 6% DMG taken from Boss 250
Reduce 5.5% DMG taken from Boss 1000
Reduce 5% DMG taken from Boss 5485
Reduce 34% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 5
Reduce 31% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 10
Reduce 28% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 20
Reduce 25% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 25
Reduce 22% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 50
Reduce 19% CRIT DMG by Enemy player 100
Reduce 16% CRIT DMG by Enemy player 140
Reduce 13% CRIT DMG by Enemy player 500
Reduce 10% CRIT DMG by Enemy player 2000
Reduce 7% CRIT DMG from by Enemy player 10970
Reduce 17% received CRIT DMG 1
Reduce 16% received CRIT DMG 3
Reduce 14% received CRIT DMG 5
Reduce 13% received CRIT DMG 10
Reduce 11% received CRIT DMG 25
Reduce 10% CRIT DMG taken 50
Reduce 8% CRIT DMG taken 70
Reduce 7% CRIT DMG taken 250
Reduce 5% CRIT DMG taken 1000
Reduce 4% CRIT DMG taken 5485
+23% Hate Generate 5
+21% Hate Generate 10
+19% Hate Generate 20
+17% Hate Generate 25
+15% Hate Generate 50
+13% Hate Generate 100
+11% Hate Generate 140
+9% Hate Generate 500
+7% Hate Generate 2000
+5% Hate Generate 10970
ATK Value +6% 1
ATK Value +5% 3
ATK Value +4% 5
ATK Value +3% 10
CRIT Value +6% 1
CRIT Value +5% 3
CRIT Value +4% 5
CRIT Value +3% 10
SPD +5% 1
SPD +4% 3
SPD +3% 5
SPD +2% 10
Level 6
CRIT Value +9.5% 5
CRIT Value +9% 10
CRIT Value +8.5% 20
CRIT Value +8% 25
CRIT Value +7.5% 50
CRIT Value +7% 100
CRIT Value +6.5% 140
CRIT Value +6% 500
CRIT Value +5.5% 2000
CRIT Value +5% 10970
SPD Value +9.5% 5
SPD Value +9% 10
SPD Value +8.5% 20
SPD Value +8% 25
SPD Value +7.5% 50
SPD Value +7% 100
SPD Value +6.5% 140
SPD Value +6% 500
SPD Value +5.5% 2000
SPD Value +5% 10970
ACC +9.5% 5
ACC +9% 10
ACC +8.5% 20
ACC +8% 25
ACC +7.5% 50
ACC +7% 100
ACC +6.5% 140
ACC +6% 500
ACC +5.5% 2000
ACC +5% 10970
+34% CRIT DMG to enemy player 5
+31% CRIT DMG to enemy player 10
+28% CRIT DMG to enemy player 20
+25% CRIT DMG to enemy player 25
+22% CRIT DMG to enemy player 50
+19% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 100
+16% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 140
+13% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 500
+10% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 2000
+7% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 10970
+12% CRIT Chance to Boss 1
+11% CRIT Chance to Boss 3
+10% CRIT Chance to Boss 5
+9% CRIT Chance to Boss 10
+8% CRIT Chance to Boss 25
+7% CRIT chance to Boss 50
+6% CRIT chance to Boss 70
+5% CRIT chance to Boss 250
+4% CRIT chance to Boss 1000
+3% CRIT chance to Boss 5485
+24% CRIT DMG dealt to Boss 1
+22% CRIT DMG dealt to Boss 3
+20% CRIT DMG dealt to Boss 5
+18% CRIT DMG dealt to Boss 10
+16% CRIT DMG dealt to Boss 25
+14% CRIT DMG to Boss 50
+12% CRIT DMG to Boss 70
+10% CRIT DMG to Boss 250
+8% CRIT DMG to Boss 1000
+6% CRIT DMG to Boss 5485
ATK Value +6% 1
ATK Value +5% 3
ATK Value +4% 5
ATK Value +3% 10
SPD +5% 1
SPD +4% 3
SPD +3% 5
SPD +2% 10
Level 7
EVA Value +9.5% 5
EVA Value +9% 10
EVA Value +8.5% 20
EVA Value +8% 25
EVA Value +7.5% 50
EVA Value +7% 100
EVA Value +6.5% 140
EVA Value +6% 500
EVA Value +5.5% 2000
EVA Value +5% 10970
DEF Value +9.5% 5
DEF Value +9% 10
DEF Value +8.5% 20
DEF Value +8% 25
DEF Value +7.5% 50
DEF Value +7% 100
DEF Value +6.5% 140
DEF Value +6% 500
DEF Value +5.5% 2000
DEF Value +5% 10970
HP +9.5% 5
HP +9% 10
HP +8.5% 20
HP +8% 25
HP +7.5% 50
HP +7% 100
HP +6.5% 140
HP +6% 500
HP +5.5% 2000
HP +5% 10970
Reduce 14% DMG taken by Enemy player 5
Reduce 13% DMG taken by Enemy player 10
Reduce 12% DMG taken by Enemy player 20
Reduce 11% DMG taken by Enemy player 25
Reduce 10% DMG taken by Enemy player 50
Reduce 9% DMG taken by Enemy player 100
Reduce 8% DMG taken by Enemy player 140
Reduce 7% DMG taken by Enemy player 500
Reduce 6% DMG taken by Enemy player 2000
Reduce 5% DMG taken by Enemy player 10970
Movement SPD +12% 1
Movement SPD +11% 3
Movement SPD +10% 5
Movement SPD +9% 10
Movement SPD +8% 25
Movement SPD +7% 50
Movement SPD +6% 70
Movement SPD +5% 250
Movement SPD +4% 1000
Movement SPD +3% 5485
All Res +12% 1
All Res +11% 3
All Res +10% 5
All Res +9% 10
All Res +8% 25
All Res +7% 50
All Res +6% 70
All Res +5% 250
All Res +4% 1000
All Res +3% 5485
ATK Value +6% 1
ATK Value +5% 3
ATK Value +4% 5
ATK Value +3% 10
CRIT Value +6% 1
CRIT Value +5% 3
CRIT Value +4% 5
CRIT Value +3% 10
SPD +5% 1
SPD +4% 3
SPD +3% 5
SPD +2% 10
Level 8
CRIT DMG +21% 5
CRIT DMG +19% 10
CRIT DMG +17% 20
CRIT DMG +15% 25
CRIT DMG +13% 50
CRIT DMG +12% 100
CRIT DMG +10% 140
CRIT DMG +8% 500
CRIT DMG +7% 2000
CRIT DMG +5% 10970
SPD +8.5% 5
SPD +8% 10
SPD +7.5% 20
SPD +7% 25
SPD +6.5% 50
SPD +6% 100
SPD +5.5% 140
SPD +5% 500
SPD +4.5% 2000
SPD +4% 10970
ATK Value +10.5% 1
ATK Value +10% 3
ATK Value +9.5% 5
ATK Value +9% 10
ATK Value +8.5% 25
ATK +8% 50
ATK +7.5% 70
ATK +6.5% 250
ATK +5.5% 1000
ATK +5% 5485
+25% DMG to Enemy player 5
+23% DMG to Enemy player 10
+22% DMG to Enemy player 20
+21% DMG to Enemy player 25
+16% DMG to Enemy player 50
+12% DMG to Enemy player 100
+9% DMG to Enemy player 140
+7% DMG to Enemy player 500
+6% DMG to Enemy player 2000
+5% DMG to Enemy player 10970
+21% skill Healing Amount 5
+19% skill Healing Amount 10
+17% skill Healing Amount 20
+15% skill Healing Amount 25
+14% skill Healing Amount 50
+12% healing amount 100
+10% healing amount 140
+8% healing amount 500
+6% healing amount 2000
+5% healing amount 10970
+14% DMG dealt to Boss 1
+13% DMG dealt to Boss 3
+12% DMG dealt to Boss 5
+11% DMG dealt to Boss 10
+10% DMG dealt to Boss 25
+9% DMG to Boss 50
+8% DMG to Boss 70
+7% DMG to Boss 250
+6% DMG to Boss 1000
+5% DMG to Boss 5485
CRIT Value +6% 1
CRIT Value +5% 3
CRIT Value +4% 5
CRIT Value +3% 10
Holy Crystal (Resist Type)
Effect RNG Weight
Level 1
Reduce 7.5% Chance of receiving CRIT 5
Reduce 7% Chance of receiving CRIT 10
Reduce 6.5% Chance of receiving CRIT 20
Reduce 6% Chance of receiving CRIT 25
Reduce 5.5% Chance of receiving CRIT 50
Reduce 5% Chance of Taking CRIT 100
Reduce 4.5% Chance of Taking CRIT 140
Reduce 4% Chance of Taking CRIT 500
Reduce 3.5% Chance of Taking CRIT 2000
Reduce 3% Chance of Taking CRIT 10970
EVA +6.5% 5
EVA +6% 10
EVA +5.5% 20
EVA +5% 25
EVA +4.5% 50
EVA +4% 50
EVA +3.5% 70
EVA +3% 250
EVA +2.5% 1000
EVA +2% 5485
Reduce 7.5% DMG from Boss 1
Reduce 7% DMG from Boss 3
Reduce 6.5% DMG from Boss 5
Reduce 6% DMG from Boss 10
Reduce 5.5% DMG from Boss 25
Reduce 5% DMG from Boss 100
Reduce 4.5% DMG from Boss 140
Reduce 4% DMG from Boss 500
Reduce 3.5% DMG from Boss 2000
Reduce 3% DMG from Boss 10970
Reduce 31% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 5
Reduce 28% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 10
Reduce 25% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 20
Reduce 22% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 25
Reduce 19% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 50
Reduce 16% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 50
Reduce 13% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 70
Reduce 10% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 250
Reduce 7% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 1000
Reduce 4% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 5485
Reduce 17% CRIT DMG taken 1
Reduce 15% CRIT DMG taken 3
Reduce 13% CRIT DMG taken 5
Reduce 11% CRIT DMG taken 10
Reduce 9% CRIT DMG taken 25
Reduce 8% CRIT DMG taken 100
Reduce 6% CRIT DMG taken 140
Reduce 5% CRIT DMG taken 500
Reduce 3% CRIT DMG taken 2000
Reduce 2% CRIT DMG taken 10970
+20% Hate Generate 5
+18% Hate Generate 10
+16% Hate Generate 20
+14% Hate Generate 25
+12% Hate Generate 50
+10% Hate Generate 100
+8% Hate 140
+6% Hate Generate 500
+4% Hate Generate 2000
+2% Hate Generate 10970
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 15% 1650
Reduce the rebound DMG of opposing player by 12% 2475
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 9% 4125
Reduce the rebound DMG of opposing player by 6% 8250
Level 2
CRIT Value +7.5% 5
CRIT Value +7% 10
CRIT Value +6.5% 20
CRIT Value +6% 25
CRIT Value +5.5% 50
CRIT Value +5% 50
CRIT Value +4.5% 70
CRIT Value +4% 250
CRIT Value +3.5% 1000
CRIT Value +3% 5485
SPD Value +7.5% 5
SPD Value +7% 10
SPD Value +6.5% 20
SPD Value +6% 25
SPD Value +5.5% 50
SPD Value +5% 100
SPD Value +4.5% 140
SPD Value +4% 500
SPD Value +3.5% 2000
SPD Value +3% 10970
ACC +7.5% 5
ACC +7% 10
ACC +6.5% 20
ACC +6% 25
ACC +5.5% 50
ACC +5% 100
ACC +4.5% 140
ACC +4% 500
ACC +3.5% 2000
ACC +3% 10970
+31% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 5
+28% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 10
+25% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 20
+22% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 25
+19% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 50
+16% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 50
+13% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 70
+10% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 250
+7% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 1000
+4% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 5485
+10% CRIT Chance to Boss 1
+9% CRIT Chance to Boss 3
+8% CRIT Chance to Boss 5
+7% CRIT Chance to Boss 10
+6% CRIT Chance to Boss 25
+5% CRIT Chance to Boss 100
+4% CRIT Chance to Boss 140
+3% CRIT Chance to Boss 500
+2% CRIT Chance to Boss 2000
+1% CRIT Chance to Boss 10970
+21% CRIT DMG to Boss 1
+19% CRIT DMG to Boss 3
+17% CRIT DMG to Boss 5
+15% CRIT DMG to Boss 10
+13% CRIT DMG to Boss 25
+11% CRIT DMG to Boss 100
+9% CRIT DMG to Boss 140
+7% CRIT DMG to Boss 500
+5% CRIT DMG to Boss 2000
+3% CRIT DMG to Boss 10970
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 15% 1800
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 12% 3600
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 9% 5500
Reduce the enemy player's rebound DMG by 6% 11500
Level 3
EVA Value +7.5% 5
EVA Value +7% 10
EVA Value +6.5% 20
EVA Value +6% 25
EVA Value +5.5% 50
EVA Value +5% 100
EVA Value +4.5% 140
EVA Value +4% 500
EVA Value +3.5% 2000
EVA Value +3% 10970
DEF Value +7.5% 5
DEF Value +7% 10
DEF Value +6.5% 20
DEF Value +6% 25
DEF Value +5.5% 50
DEF Value +5% 50
DEF Value +4.5% 70
DEF Value +4% 250
DEF Value +3.5% 1000
DEF Value +3% 5485
HP +7.5% 5
HP +7% 10
HP +6.5% 20
HP +6% 25
HP +5.5% 50
Max HP +5% 50
Max HP +4.5% 70
Max HP +4% 250
Max HP +3.5% 1000
Max HP +3% 5485
Reduce 11% DMG taken by Enemy player 5
Reduce 10% DMG taken by Enemy player 10
Reduce 9% DMG taken by Enemy player 20
Reduce 8% DMG taken by Enemy player 25
Reduce 7% DMG taken by Enemy player 50
Reduce 6% DMG taken by Enemy player 50
Reduce 5% DMG taken by Enemy player 70
Reduce 4% DMG taken by Enemy player 250
Reduce 3% DMG taken by Enemy player 1000
Reduce 2% DMG taken by Enemy player 5485
Movement SPD +10% 1
Movement SPD +9% 3
Movement SPD +8% 5
Movement SPD +7% 10
Movement SPD +6% 25
Movement SPD +5% 100
Movement SPD +4% 140
Movement SPD +3% 500
Movement SPD +2% 2000
Movement SPD +1% 10970
All Res +10% 1
All Res +9% 3
All Res +8% 5
All Res +7% 10
All Res +6% 25
All Res +5% 100
All Res +4% 140
All Res +3% 500
All Res +2% 2000
All Res +1% 10970
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 15% 2650
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 12% 4100
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 9% 7000
Reduce the enemy player's rebound DMG by 6% 14600
Level 4
CRIT DMG +19% 5
CRIT DMG +17% 10
CRIT DMG +15% 20
CRIT DMG +13% 25
CRIT DMG +11% 50
CRIT DMG +9% 100
CRIT DMG +7% 140
CRIT DMG +5% 500
CRIT DMG +4% 2000
CRIT DMG +2% 10970
SPD +6.5% 5
SPD +6% 10
SPD +5.5% 20
SPD +5% 25
SPD +4.5% 50
SPD +4% 100
SPD +3.5% 140
SPD +3% 500
SPD +2.5% 2000
SPD +2% 10970
ATK Value +7.5% 1
ATK Value +7% 3
ATK Value +6.5% 5
ATK Value +6% 10
ATK Value +5.5% 25
ATK Value +5% 50
ATK Value +4.5% 70
ATK Value +4% 250
ATK Value +3.5% 1000
ATK Value +3% 5485
+11% DMG to Enemy player 5
+10% DMG to Enemy player 10
+9% DMG to Enemy player 20
+8% DMG to Enemy player 25
+7% DMG to Enemy player 50
+6% DMG to Enemy player 50
+5% DMG to Enemy player 70
+4% DMG to Enemy player 250
+3% DMG to Enemy player 1000
+2% DMG to Enemy player 5485
+19% skill Healing Amount 5
+17% skill Healing Amount 10
+15% skill Healing Amount 20
+13% skill Healing Amount 25
+11% skill Healing Amount 50
+9% Healing done 100
+7% Healing done 140
+5% Healing done 500
+3% Healing done 2000
+2% Healing done 10970
+11% DMG dealt to Boss 1
+10% DMG dealt to Boss 3
+9% DMG dealt to Boss 5
+8% DMG dealt to Boss 10
+7% DMG dealt to Boss 25
DMG dealt to Boss +6% 100
DMG dealt to Boss +5% 140
DMG dealt to Boss +4% 500
DMG dealt to Boss +3% 2000
DMG dealt to Boss +2% 10970
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 15% 5200
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 12% 6000
Reduce the enemy player's rebound DMG by 9% 11000
Reduce the rebound DMG of opposing player by 6% 22000
Level 5
Reduce 9.5% Chance of receiving CRIT 5
Reduce 9% Chance of receiving CRIT 10
Reduce 8.5% Chance of receiving CRIT 20
Reduce 8% Chance of receiving CRIT 25
Reduce 7.5% Chance of receiving CRIT 50
Reduce 7% chance receiving CRIT 100
Reduce 6.5% chance receiving CRIT 140
Reduce 6% chance receiving CRIT 500
Reduce 5.5% chance receiving CRIT 2000
Reduce 5% chance receiving CRIT 10970
EVA Chance +8.5% 5
EVA Chance +8% 10
EVA Chance +7.5% 20
EVA Chance +7% 25
EVA Chance +6.5% 50
EVA +6% 100
EVA +5.5% 140
EVA +5% 500
EVA +4.5% 2000
EVA +4% 10970
Reduce 9.5% DMG taken from Boss 1
Reduce 9% DMG taken from Boss 3
Reduce 8.5% DMG taken from Boss 5
Reduce 8% DMG taken from Boss 10
Reduce 7.5% DMG taken from Boss 25
Reduce 7% DMG taken from Boss 50
Reduce 6.5% DMG taken from Boss 70
Reduce 6% DMG taken from Boss 250
Reduce 5.5% DMG taken from Boss 1000
Reduce 5% DMG taken from Boss 5485
Reduce 34% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 5
Reduce 31% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 10
Reduce 28% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 20
Reduce 25% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 25
Reduce 22% CRIT DMG from Enemy player 50
Reduce 19% CRIT DMG by Enemy player 100
Reduce 16% CRIT DMG by Enemy player 140
Reduce 13% CRIT DMG by Enemy player 500
Reduce 10% CRIT DMG by Enemy player 2000
Reduce 7% CRIT DMG from by Enemy player 10970
Reduce 17% received CRIT DMG 1
Reduce 16% received CRIT DMG 3
Reduce 14% received CRIT DMG 5
Reduce 13% received CRIT DMG 10
Reduce 11% received CRIT DMG 25
Reduce 10% CRIT DMG taken 50
Reduce 8% CRIT DMG taken 70
Reduce 7% CRIT DMG taken 250
Reduce 5% CRIT DMG taken 1000
Reduce 4% CRIT DMG taken 5485
+23% Hate Generate 5
+21% Hate Generate 10
+19% Hate Generate 20
+17% Hate Generate 25
+15% Hate Generate 50
+13% Hate Generate 100
+11% Hate Generate 140
+9% Hate Generate 500
+7% Hate Generate 2000
+5% Hate Generate 10970
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 15% 1650
Reduce the rebound DMG of opposing player by 12% 2475
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 9% 4125
Reduce the rebound DMG of opposing player by 6% 8250
Level 6
CRIT Value +9.5% 5
CRIT Value +9% 10
CRIT Value +8.5% 20
CRIT Value +8% 25
CRIT Value +7.5% 50
CRIT Value +7% 100
CRIT Value +6.5% 140
CRIT Value +6% 500
CRIT Value +5.5% 2000
CRIT Value +5% 10970
SPD Value +9.5% 5
SPD Value +9% 10
SPD Value +8.5% 20
SPD Value +8% 25
SPD Value +7.5% 50
SPD Value +7% 100
SPD Value +6.5% 140
SPD Value +6% 500
SPD Value +5.5% 2000
SPD Value +5% 10970
ACC +9.5% 5
ACC +9% 10
ACC +8.5% 20
ACC +8% 25
ACC +7.5% 50
ACC +7% 100
ACC +6.5% 140
ACC +6% 500
ACC +5.5% 2000
ACC +5% 10970
+34% CRIT DMG to enemy player 5
+31% CRIT DMG to enemy player 10
+28% CRIT DMG to enemy player 20
+25% CRIT DMG to enemy player 25
+22% CRIT DMG to enemy player 50
+19% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 100
+16% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 140
+13% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 500
+10% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 2000
+7% CRIT DMG to Enemy player 10970
+12% CRIT Chance to Boss 1
+11% CRIT Chance to Boss 3
+10% CRIT Chance to Boss 5
+9% CRIT Chance to Boss 10
+8% CRIT Chance to Boss 25
+7% CRIT chance to Boss 50
+6% CRIT chance to Boss 70
+5% CRIT chance to Boss 250
+4% CRIT chance to Boss 1000
+3% CRIT chance to Boss 5485
+24% CRIT DMG dealt to Boss 1
+22% CRIT DMG dealt to Boss 3
+20% CRIT DMG dealt to Boss 5
+18% CRIT DMG dealt to Boss 10
+16% CRIT DMG dealt to Boss 25
+14% CRIT DMG to Boss 50
+12% CRIT DMG to Boss 70
+10% CRIT DMG to Boss 250
+8% CRIT DMG to Boss 1000
+6% CRIT DMG to Boss 5485
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 15% 1800
Reduce the rebound DMG of opposing player by 12% 3600
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 9% 5500
Reduce the rebound DMG of opposing player by 6% 11500
Level 7
EVA Value +9.5% 5
EVA Value +9% 10
EVA Value +8.5% 20
EVA Value +8% 25
EVA Value +7.5% 50
EVA Value +7% 100
EVA Value +6.5% 140
EVA Value +6% 500
EVA Value +5.5% 2000
EVA Value +5% 10970
DEF Value +9.5% 5
DEF Value +9% 10
DEF Value +8.5% 20
DEF Value +8% 25
DEF Value +7.5% 50
DEF Value +7% 100
DEF Value +6.5% 140
DEF Value +6% 500
DEF Value +5.5% 2000
DEF Value +5% 10970
HP +9.5% 5
HP +9% 10
HP +8.5% 20
HP +8% 25
HP +7.5% 50
HP +7% 100
HP +6.5% 140
HP +6% 500
HP +5.5% 2000
HP +5% 10970
Reduce 14% DMG taken by Enemy player 5
Reduce 13% DMG taken by Enemy player 10
Reduce 12% DMG taken by Enemy player 20
Reduce 11% DMG taken by Enemy player 25
Reduce 10% DMG taken by Enemy player 50
Reduce 9% DMG taken by Enemy player 100
Reduce 8% DMG taken by Enemy player 140
Reduce 7% DMG taken by Enemy player 500
Reduce 6% DMG taken by Enemy player 2000
Reduce 5% DMG taken by Enemy player 10970
Movement SPD +12% 1
Movement SPD +11% 3
Movement SPD +10% 5
Movement SPD +9% 10
Movement SPD +8% 25
Movement SPD +7% 50
Movement SPD +6% 70
Movement SPD +5% 250
Movement SPD +4% 1000
Movement SPD +3% 5485
All Res +12% 1
All Res +11% 3
All Res +10% 5
All Res +9% 10
All Res +8% 25
All Res +7% 50
All Res +6% 70
All Res +5% 250
All Res +4% 1000
All Res +3% 5485
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 15% 2650
Reduce the rebound DMG of opposing player by 12% 4100
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 9% 7000
Reduce the rebound DMG of opposing player by 6% 14600
Level 8
CRIT DMG +21% 5
CRIT DMG +19% 10
CRIT DMG +17% 20
CRIT DMG +15% 25
CRIT DMG +13% 50
CRIT DMG +12% 100
CRIT DMG +10% 140
CRIT DMG +8% 500
CRIT DMG +7% 2000
CRIT DMG +5% 10970
SPD +8.5% 5
SPD +8% 10
SPD +7.5% 20
SPD +7% 25
SPD +6.5% 50
SPD +6% 100
SPD +5.5% 140
SPD +5% 500
SPD +4.5% 2000
SPD +4% 10970
ATK Value +10.5% 1
ATK Value +10% 3
ATK Value +9.5% 5
ATK Value +9% 10
ATK Value +8.5% 25
ATK +8% 50
ATK +7.5% 70
ATK +6.5% 250
ATK +5.5% 1000
ATK +5% 5485
+25% DMG to Enemy player 5
+23% DMG to Enemy player 10
+22% DMG to Enemy player 20
+21% DMG to Enemy player 25
+16% DMG to Enemy player 50
+12% DMG to Enemy player 100
+9% DMG to Enemy player 140
+7% DMG to Enemy player 500
+6% DMG to Enemy player 2000
+5% DMG to Enemy player 10970
+21% skill Healing Amount 5
+19% skill Healing Amount 10
+17% skill Healing Amount 20
+15% skill Healing Amount 25
+14% skill Healing Amount 50
+12% healing amount 100
+10% healing amount 140
+8% healing amount 500
+6% healing amount 2000
+5% healing amount 10970
+14% DMG dealt to Boss 1
+13% DMG dealt to Boss 3
+12% DMG dealt to Boss 5
+11% DMG dealt to Boss 10
+10% DMG dealt to Boss 25
+9% DMG to Boss 50
+8% DMG to Boss 70
+7% DMG to Boss 250
+6% DMG to Boss 1000
+5% DMG to Boss 5485
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 15% 5200
Reduce the rebound DMG of opposing player by 12% 6000
Reduce the rebound DMG of hostile player by 9% 11000
Reduce the rebound DMG of opposing player by 6% 22000