Name | Level | Type |
(Party) Burning City | 75 | Chaos King Dungeon |
(Party) Secret Grove | 78 | Unparalleled Dungeon |
(Party) Desert Canyon | 75 | Hero Dungeon |
(Party) Oubliette Labs | 78 | Challenge Dungeon |
(Party) Flaming City | 70 | Chaos King Dungeon |
(Party) Familiar Hills | 68 | Unparalleled Dungeon |
(Party) Oubliette Labs | 68 | Challenge Dungeon |
Foreboding Garden (Party) | 70 | Hero Dungeon |
(Party) Nabuland | 48 | Unparalleled Dungeon |
(Party) Furval Training Ground | 58 | Unparalleled Dungeon |
(Party) Haven of Oblivion | 60 | Hero Dungeon |
(Party) Oubliette Labs | 58 | Challenge Dungeon |
(Party) Oubliette Labs | 48 | Challenge Dungeon |
(Party) Oubliette Labs | 38 | Challenge Dungeon |
(Party) Hellfire's Antre | 48 | Main Story Dungeon |
(Party) The Necrohol of Azmaveth | 48 | Main Story Dungeon |
(Party) Dragon's Abeyance | 50 | Hero Dungeon |
Twilight Citadel (Party) | 118 | Main Story Dungeon |
God's Ruin (Party) | 108 | Main Story Dungeon |
Snow Path (Party) | 103 | Main Story Dungeon |
Dark Temple (Party) | 98 | Main Story Dungeon |
(Party) Ancient Altar | 93 | Main Story Dungeon |
Shadow Crevice (Party) | 88 | Main Story Dungeon |
(Party) Magic Academy Grotto | 83 | Main Story Dungeon |
(Party) Crystalline Citadel | 78 | Main Story Dungeon |
(Party) Boreas Tower | 73 | Main Story Dungeon |
(Party) Sapphire Keep | 63 | Main Story Dungeon |
(Party) La Catedral Infernal | 58 | Main Story Dungeon |
(Party) Ruins of Oblivion | 48 | Main Story Dungeon |
(Party) Bluemoon Sanctuary | 38 | Main Story Dungeon |
(Party) Royal Trove | 28 | Main Story Dungeon |
(Party) Woolruft Temple | 18 | Main Story Dungeon |
Dark Hollow (Solo) | 999 | Hero Dungeon |
Forest Trial (Solo) | 999 | Unparalleled Dungeon |
Ancient City of Blazing Flames (Solo) | 999 | Chaos King Dungeon |
Lakeship Shadow (Solo) | 999 | Hero Dungeon |
Restricted Area (Solo) | 999 | Unparalleled Dungeon |
Ashen Blaise City (Solo) | 999 | Chaos King Dungeon |
Furval's Utopia Enchanted Wilderness (Solo) | 999 | Unparalleled Dungeon |
Mystic Dungeon (Solo) | 999 | Unparalleled Dungeon |
(Solo) Mystic Jungle | 999 | Unparalleled Dungeon |
Mystic Swamp (Solo) | 88 | Unparalleled Dungeon |
(Solo) Secret Manor | 999 | Hero Dungeon |
(Solo) Molten City | 85 | Chaos King Dungeon |
(Solo) Crocodile Wetlands | 83 | Unparalleled Dungeon |
(Solo) Burning City | 75 | Chaos King Dungeon |
(Solo) Secret Grove | 78 | Unparalleled Dungeon |
(Solo) Desert Canyon | 75 | Hero Dungeon |
(Solo) Flaming City | 70 | Chaos King Dungeon |
(Solo) Familiar Hills | 68 | Unparalleled Dungeon |