Basic Information
Type Metarealm Dungeon
Level 78
Players 1
Entry Count 2
Player Effects

Metarealm‧(Solo) Boreas Tower

The tower built in the Ancient times to worship the gods is said to have sealed the ancient deities deep within it millions of years ago.
Name Attribute Level Type
Ancient Golem Hertha Gage (X: 727, Y: 423)
81 Boss Monster
Chaos Incarnate Nihilus (X: 157, Y: 164)
82 Boss Monster
Devil Guardian (X: 410, Y: 477)
78 General Monster
Devil Mech (X: 419, Y: 451)
79 Elite Monster
Shade Spirit (X: 230, Y: 193)
78 General Monster
Devil Hunter (X: 158, Y: 437)
78 General Monster
Ancient Machine (X: 706, Y: 504)
79 Elite Monster
Phantom Spirit (X: 139, Y: 198)
78 General Monster
Phantom Hunter (X: 440, Y: 447)
78 General Monster
Shadow Sniper (X: 119, Y: 106)
78 General Monster
Shadow Guard (X: 482, Y: 160)
78 General Monster
Ancient Ogre (X: 126, Y: 80)
79 Elite Monster
Shadow Defender (X: 484, Y: 124)
78 General Monster
Phantom Spirit (X: 118, Y: 93)
78 General Monster
Ancient Machine (X: 691, Y: 529)
79 Elite Monster
Name Attribute Level Type
異界裂縫(關閉) (X: 105, Y: 138) - 1 General
異界裂縫(開啟) (X: 105, Y: 138) - 1 General
往副本傳送門 (X: 216, Y: 510) - 99 General
隱形擋牆 (X: 706, Y: 493) - 99 General
207隱形生物 (X: 709, Y: 496) - 1 General Monster
<Ancient Golem> Hetagig (X: 726, Y: 423)
76 General
Head to the Black Hill (X: 93, Y: 490) - 99 General
地牢隱形怪 (X: 751, Y: 527)
74 Elite Monster
魔雷機甲 (X: 426, Y: 457)
74 Elite Monster
魔雷衛士 (X: 449, Y: 463)
74 Elite Monster
魔雷機甲 (X: 419, Y: 451)
74 Elite Monster
古代巨魔 (X: 132, Y: 93)
74 Elite Monster
古代魔機 (X: 691, Y: 529)
74 Elite Monster
Sealed ancient inscription (X: 103, Y: 469)
74 General
<To the second floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 103, Y: 469)
74 General
<To the third floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 446, Y: 537)
74 General
<To the fourth floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 811, Y: 491)
74 General
<To the fifth floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 795, Y: 126)
74 General
<To the sixth floor of the Ba Shen Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 416, Y: 122)
74 General
<To the third floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 103, Y: 469)
74 General
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