Name | Level | Stat | Type |
Pharmaceutical | - | - | Alchemy |
Phantom Passerby | 95 | - | Conversations |
Phantom Messenger | 105 | DEF +4 | Enemy Kills |
Phantom Demon | 70 | CRIT +4 | Enemy Kills |
Phantom Brother | 95 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Phantom | 48 | Max HP +40 | Astral Adventures |
Phantom | 88 | EVA +16 | Enemy Kills |
Phantom | 88 | DEF +4 | Enemy Kills |
Phantom | 88 | EVA +16 | Enemy Kills |
Pets | 110 | Max HP +40 | Astral Adventures |
Petrified | 58 | SPD +16 | Enemy Kills |
Petrarch | - | - | Fishing |
Petit Painter | 58 | CRIT +4 | Hidden Quests |
Peter Pan | 70 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Pet | 90 | DEF +4 | Astral Adventures |
Pet | - | Max HP +40 | Astral Adventures |
Pest control | 80 | Max HP +40 | Astral Adventures |
Pest control | 105 | SPD +16 | Enemy Kills |
Pervert | 75 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Persistent and unwavering | - | - | Crafting |
Persistent | 100 | - | Other |
Perseverance | 75 | SPD +16 | Enemy Kills |
Perpetually Remembered | - | - | Senshi |
Perpetual Motion Machine | 78 | DEF +4 | Enemy Kills |
Perpetrator | 8 | DEF +4 | Enemy Kills |
Permanent | - | - | Senshi |
Permanent | 93 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Perimeter | 90 | Max HP +40 | Astral Adventures |
Performance-Phobic | 57 | SPD +16 | Enemy Kills |
Perfectly Matched | - | - | Cooking |
Perfect Rice dumpling | - | DEF +20 | Event |
Perfect | - | - | Senshi |
Perceptive | 10 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
People in the Shadows | 85 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
People Are So Nice | - | DEF +6 | Event |
Peon | - | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Penniless | 18 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Penitent | 38 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Peerless Sword | - | - | Crafting |
Peeling | - | - | Crafting |
Pebble | 85 | EVA +16 | Enemy Kills |
Pear Yogurt Enthusiast | - | - | Farming |
Peak | 95 | DEF +4 | Enemy Kills |
Peacock | 95 | DEF +4 | Enemy Kills |
Pay-to-win Master | - | ATK +6 | Event |
Patterned | 80 | Max HP +40 | Astral Adventures |
Patrol | 40 | Max HP +40 | Astral Adventures |
Patriot | - | - | Gathering |
Patriarch | 80 | Max HP +40 | Astral Adventures |
Patients with bipolar disorder | 100 | Max HP +40 | Astral Adventures |