AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale Titles

Name Level Stat Type
Plastic - - Farming
Plastering 95 EVA +16 Enemy Kills
Planting trees - - Event
Planting Master - - Farming
Planet - - Senshi
Plains Loremaster 40 Max HP +40 Astral Adventures
Plain Jane 10 - Astral Adventures
Plague's 113 CRIT +4 Enemy Kills
Pizza 60 CRIT +4 Enemy Kills
Pivotal - - Senshi
Pitcher 57 EVA +16 Enemy Kills
Pitch Dark 80 Max HP +40 Enemy Kills
Pisces 10 - Other
Piscator - - Fishing
Pirate King - - Cooking
Pirate Hunter 80 Max HP +40 Astral Adventures
Pirate - - Senshi
Pious 50 ATK +8 Character Growth
Pioneer 80 Max HP +40 Character Growth
Pioneer 48 - Astral Adventures
Pinpoint 70 CRIT +4 Enemy Kills
Pinky 108 Max HP +40 Enemy Kills
Pink 90 DEF +4 Astral Adventures
Pink 10 DEF +4 Astral Adventures
Ping-Pong Ball 50 Max HP +40 Enemy Kills
Pinch Fighter 75 SPD +16 Enemy Kills
Pincer - - Fishing
Pilot - - Fishing
Pilot 38 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Pillars of the Nation - - Farming
Pillar 100 CRIT +4 Enemy Kills
Pilfering 43 CRIT +4 Hidden Quests
Piggy Rush - Max HP +30 Event
Piggy Fortune Treasure - Max HP +120 Event
Piercing - - Farming
Pierced - - Fishing
Picky Eater - - Farming
Picky - - Fishing
Pickpocket 48 CRIT +4 Enemy Kills
Physician - - Farming
Photosynthetic 28 EVA +16 Enemy Kills
Phony 40 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Phoney Intellectual - - Farming
Phoenix and Dragon like 10 - Enemy Kills
Phoenix 40 - Astral Adventures
Philosopher King - - Alchemy
Philosopher - - Fishing
Pharmacist Tai - - Farming
Pharmacist - - Alchemy
Pharmacist 70 SPD +16 Enemy Kills