AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale Zones

Name Level Type
Arcadia Park 1 Battlefield
Arcadia Park 1 Battlefield
Arcadia Park 1 Battlefield
Arcadia Park 1 Battlefield
Battlefield: Death Valley Colosseum 1 Battlefield
Raywing Island 1 General
Sacred Path 1 General
Hellfire's Antre 1 General
Dragon's Abeyance 1 General
War Frontier 1 General
Devil's Hamlet 1 General
Polluted Cavern 1 General
Furval's Utopia 1 General
The Necrohol of Azmaveth 1 General
Aurora Sanctum 1 General
Phantom's Palace 1 General
Mirage Grotto 1 General
Furval's Fantasia 1 General
Furval's Fantasia Part 2 1 General
Desert Canyon 1 General
Aquamarine Falls 1 General
黑暗森林 99 General
海島莊園 99 General
Conference Chamber 1 General
King's Trial Hall 1F 80 Side Quest Dungeon
King's Trial Hall 2F 80 Side Quest Dungeon
Technology Trial Hall 80 Side Quest Dungeon
The Royal City of Arcadia 1 General
Komi's Challenge 1 Side Quest Dungeon
Dick Milli's Training 1 Side Quest Dungeon
Bluemoon Grove Concert 1 Side Quest Dungeon
Mystic Territory 1 Side Quest Dungeon
King's Trial Hall 2F 1 Side Quest Dungeon
Guild Palace 1 Guild
Terracottage 1 Housing
Battlefield: Ancient Desert Ruins 1 Battlefield
Foreign Golden Desert 1 Battlefield
Battlefield: Golden Desert 1 Battlefield
Bluemoon Grove (Solo) 1 General
Woolruft Plains (Solo) 1 General
Woolruft Plains (Solo) 1 General
Woolruft Plains (Solo) 1 General
Raywing Harbor (Solo) 1 General
Raywing Harbor (Solo) 1 General
Raywing Harbor (Solo) 1 General
Woolruft Plains (Solo) 1 General
Bluemoon Grove (Solo) 1 General
Vitreus Mines (Solo) 1 General
Vitreus Mines (Solo) 1 General
Vitreus Mines (Solo) 1 General