<Astral Queen> Azure -Star - Marisa (X: 105, Y: 493)
1 |
General |
<Astral Queen> Azure -Star - Marisa (X: 761, Y: 432)
1 |
General |
異界裂縫(關閉) (X: 105, Y: 138)
1 |
General |
異界裂縫(開啟) (X: 105, Y: 138)
1 |
General |
傑森(無面具) (X: 119, Y: 145)
1 |
General |
Divine Tear (Purple) (X: 114, Y: 143)
1 |
General |
往副本傳送門 (X: 216, Y: 510)
99 |
General |
隱形擋牆 (X: 706, Y: 493)
99 |
General |
207隱形生物 (X: 709, Y: 496)
1 |
General Monster |
<Ancient Golem> Hetagig (X: 726, Y: 423)
76 |
General |
Head to the Black Hill (X: 93, Y: 490)
99 |
General |
魔雷機甲 (X: 426, Y: 457)
74 |
Elite Monster |
魔雷衛士 (X: 449, Y: 463)
74 |
Elite Monster |
魔雷機甲 (X: 419, Y: 451)
74 |
Elite Monster |
Ancient Controller (X: 724, Y: 198)
73 |
General Monster |
Ancient Protector (X: 492, Y: 177)
73 |
General Monster |
古代巨魔 (X: 132, Y: 93)
74 |
Elite Monster |
古代魔機 (X: 691, Y: 529)
74 |
Elite Monster |
Sealed ancient inscription (X: 104, Y: 469)
74 |
General |
<To the second floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 104, Y: 470)
74 |
General |
<To the third floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 446, Y: 536)
74 |
General |
<To the fourth floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 811, Y: 491)
74 |
General |
<To the fifth floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 795, Y: 126)
74 |
General |
<To the sixth floor of the Ba Shen Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 416, Y: 122)
74 |
General |
<To the third floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 104, Y: 469)
74 |
General |
<To the fourth floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 104, Y: 470)
74 |
General |
<To the fifth floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 104, Y: 470)
74 |
General |
<To the sixth floor of the Ba Shen Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 104, Y: 470)
74 |
General |
<To the fourth floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 446, Y: 536)
74 |
General |
<To the fifth floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 446, Y: 536)
74 |
General |
<To the sixth floor of the Ba Shen Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 446, Y: 536)
74 |
General |
<To the fifth floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 811, Y: 491)
74 |
General |
<To the sixth floor of the Ba Shen Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 811, Y: 491)
74 |
General |
<To the sixth floor of the Ba Shen Tower> Ancient inscription (X: 795, Y: 126)
74 |
General |
Sealed ancient inscription (X: 446, Y: 536)
74 |
General |
Sealed ancient inscription (X: 811, Y: 491)
74 |
General |
Sealed ancient inscription (X: 795, Y: 126)
74 |
General |
Sealed ancient inscription (X: 416, Y: 122)
74 |
General |
通用場景開啟判斷生物 (X: 98, Y: 484)
1 |
Boss Monster |
<預言之輪> 夏綠蒂 (X: 157, Y: 164)
74 |
General |
Show More |