Basic Information
Type Main Story Dungeon
Level 999
Players 5
Entry Count 2
Player Effects

S · Royal Trove (Party)

This high-security vault houses the Arcadian imperial seal along with the most prized possessions of the royal family.
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Name Attribute Level Type
Flaming Scrabclaw (X: 314, Y: 359)
70 General Monster
Watcher - Cratering Strike Type (X: 561, Y: 289)
70 General Monster
Digiwall (X: 500, Y: 262)
70 General Monster
Digiwall (X: 505, Y: 233)
70 General Monster
Doomhide Mimic (X: 278, Y: 568)
70 General Monster
Cyanbane Mimic (X: 273, Y: 573)
70 General Monster
Trove Fire Spirit (X: 365, Y: 226)
71 Elite Monster
Rotating Mech Fire Column (X: 346, Y: 235)
71 Elite Monster
Rotating Mech Fire Column (X: 356, Y: 265)
71 Elite Monster
Watcher - Cratering Strike Type (X: 571, Y: 289)
70 General Monster
虹光衝擊柱隱形7001 (X: 215, Y: 514)
70 General Monster
Trove Protector Treasurebot Mk.XI (X: 519, Y: 232)
72 Boss Monster
Trove Guardian Saki (X: 218, Y: 585)
73 Boss Monster
Rock Golem (X: 805, Y: 156)
70 General Monster
Crystal Man (X: 768, Y: 203)
71 Elite Monster
Crystal Colossus (X: 664, Y: 231)
71 Elite Monster
Guardian. Remastered. (X: 550, Y: 263)
70 General Monster
Mysterious Treasure Chest (X: 188, Y: 455)
70 General Monster
Golden Treasure Chest (X: 176, Y: 528)
70 General Monster
Enchantress Claire (X: 219, Y: 602)
95 Boss Monster
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Name Attribute Level Type
Second Prince of Arcadia Charles Rhine (X: 212, Y: 611) - 1 General
隱形擋牆 (X: 643, Y: 245) - 99 General
往野外傳送門 (X: 794, Y: 95) - 99 General
結界牆特效(無視視距) (X: 484, Y: 234) - 99 General
通用隱形生物 (X: 217, Y: 605) - 1 General Monster
Fire Switch (X: 346, Y: 339) - 30 General Monster
火牆 (X: 305, Y: 389) - 30 General Monster
巨晶石 (X: 630, Y: 230) - 29 General
看守者‧砲擊型 (X: 565, Y: 289) - 29 General
Arcadian Recon Battalion Colonel Jed (X: 210, Y: 610) - 1 General
Arcadian Recon Battalion Scout Sebastian (X: 787, Y: 124) - 1 General
Arcadian Recon Soldier (X: 782, Y: 130) - 99 General
Gribblin Archwizard (X: 793, Y: 99) - 99 General
Gribblin Warrior (X: 793, Y: 106) - 99 General
Gribblin Wizard (X: 789, Y: 100) - 99 General Monster
Arcadian Recon Soldier (X: 787, Y: 114) - 99 General
Gribblin Warrior (X: 787, Y: 102) - 99 General
Gribblin Wizard (X: 789, Y: 99) - 99 General
Divine Tear (X: 217, Y: 611) - 1 General
Security Bot (X: 549, Y: 199) - 1 General
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