Basic Information
Type Main Story Dungeon
Level 93
Players 1
Entry Count 2
Player Effects

(Solo) Ancient Altar

Once an altar dedicated to the Ancient Immortals, this place has now become an abandoned ruin. The mysterious red lights seem to have fallen here...
Name Attribute Level Type
Hellfire Kunoad (X: 458, Y: 1000)
95 Boss Monster
Nameless Entity Ancient Immortal's Remnant (X: 458, Y: 417)
95 Boss Monster
Drowsibloom (X: 911, Y: 423)
93 General Monster
Finibloom (X: 850, Y: 414)
93 General Monster
Altar Fragment (X: 612, Y: 418)
94 Elite Monster
Nightmare Crystal (X: 457, Y: 788)
94 Elite Monster
Shredlight Crystal (X: 457, Y: 863)
93 General Monster
Hypnos's Poppy (X: 956, Y: 495)
99 General Monster
Falling Rock (X: 456, Y: 709)
99 General Monster
Spiritual Prison (X: 436, Y: 1028) - 99 General Monster