AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale Titles

Name Level Stat Type
The Radiant Goldfish's 10 - Other
Prophecy Wheel 10 - Other
Birthday Celebration 10 - Other
The Spirit Fox Jinling's 10 - Other
Shiny Rainbow Beads 10 - Other
Ice crystal. 10 - Other
Going With the Flow 10 - Enemy Kills
Gold Lord 10 - Enemy Kills
Contemptuous 10 - Enemy Kills
Rebellious 10 - Enemy Kills
Strong Air 10 - Enemy Kills
Little Woman 10 - Enemy Kills
Unlucky 10 - Astral Adventures
Front-runner 10 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Perceptive 10 Max HP +40 Enemy Kills
Stealthy Kitty 10 EVA +16 Enemy Kills
Exorcising 10 - Enemy Kills
Aurora 10 DEF +4 Enemy Kills
Magic Hammer 10 - Enemy Kills
Born 10 - Enemy Kills
First 10 - Enemy Kills
Painful 10 - Enemy Kills
Good Brother 10 - Enemy Kills
Arrogant 10 - Enemy Kills
Eastern Forest's 10 Max HP +40 Astral Adventures
Dominating 10 - Astral Adventures
Dreamy 10 - Astral Adventures
Stranger 10 - Astral Adventures
Friend 10 DEF +4 Astral Adventures
Lord 10 - Enemy Kills
Tinker 10 - Enemy Kills
Corrupted 10 - Enemy Kills
Hunk 10 - Enemy Kills
Zero-Fat 10 - Enemy Kills
Next Gen 10 - Enemy Kills
Gliding 10 - Enemy Kills
Airplane Captain 10 - Enemy Kills
Decorative 10 - Enemy Kills
Sharpshooter 10 - Enemy Kills
Irresponsible 10 - Enemy Kills
Prey 10 - Enemy Kills
Capable 10 - Enemy Kills
Lord of Northwind 10 - Enemy Kills
Trembling 10 - Enemy Kills
King of Frost 10 - Enemy Kills
Cold 10 - Enemy Kills
Witch 10 - Enemy Kills
Flawless 10 - Enemy Kills
Merciless Swordsman 10 - Enemy Kills
Guardian 10 Max HP +40 Astral Adventures