Name | Level | Stat | Type |
Investigator | 93 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Inventor | - | - | Farming |
Inventor | - | - | Crafting |
Invaluable | 10 | DEF +4 | Astral Adventures |
Intuitive | 30 | - | Enemy Kills |
Intruder | 59 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Intrepid | - | - | Farming |
Intimidating the sun. | 125 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Intimidating Rainy Day | 125 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Intimidating | 93 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Intertwined | 50 | Max HP +40 | Astral Adventures |
Internet Celebrity | 85 | EVA +16 | Enemy Kills |
Internet Celebrity | 45 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Intern Fighter | 110 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Intermediate | 45 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Intermediate | 30 | - | Enemy Kills |
Interested Hunter | 30 | - | Enemy Kills |
Intense | - | - | Alchemy |
Intelligence | 90 | DEF +4 | Astral Adventures |
Insurance | - | - | Alchemy |
Insulator | 60 | SPD +16 | Enemy Kills |
Insufficient space. | - | Max HP +20 | Event |
Instant Messaging | - | Max HP +120 | Event |
Instant | - | - | Farming |
Inspiring | 45 | EVA +16 | Enemy Kills |
Inspired | 88 | CRIT +4 | Enemy Kills |
Inspection | 130 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Insomniac | 57 | CRIT +4 | Hidden Quests |
Insect Gourmand | 78 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Insect Exterminator | 78 | DEF +4 | Enemy Kills |
Insect Expert | 70 | CRIT +4 | Enemy Kills |
Insect | 60 | CRIT +4 | Enemy Kills |
Insane | 58 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Innovative biotechnology's | - | - | Crafting |
Innovative | - | - | Treasure Hunter |
Innocently Shot | 75 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Innocent | 8 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Inner drama | 80 | DEF +4 | Enemy Kills |
Injured | 8 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Inhuman | 100 | DEF +4 | Astral Adventures |
Inheritor | - | - | Senshi |
Ingredients | 40 | DEF +4 | Astral Adventures |
Informal | - | - | Fishing |
Infinite | - | Max HP +80 | Event |
Infinite | 85 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Infinite | 60 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Infiltrator | 40 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Infiltrate the Fist | 80 | ATK +8 | Character Growth |
Inferno of Endless Scorched Earth | - | SPD +16 | Enemy Kills |
Inferno Realm | 98 | EVA +16 | Enemy Kills |