AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale Titles

Name Level Stat Type
Pancake Expert - - Cooking
Oolong Tea - - Cooking
Oolong Tea Researcher - - Cooking
Oolong Tea Authority - - Cooking
Laurel Nectar Researcher - - Cooking
Laurel Nectar Authority - - Cooking
Whiskey - - Cooking
Whiskey Researcher - - Cooking
Whiskey Authority - - Cooking
Crispy Broth - - Cooking
Crispy Broth Researcher - - Cooking
Crispy Broth Authority - - Cooking
Pork Rib - - Cooking
Pork Rib Researcher - - Cooking
Pork Rib Authority - - Cooking
Baked Rice - - Cooking
Baked Rice Researcher - - Cooking
Baked Rice Authority - - Cooking
American Sandwich - - Cooking
American Sandwich - - Cooking
American Sandwich Authority - - Cooking
Cupcake - - Cooking
Cake Researcher - - Cooking
Cake Authority - - Cooking
Honey Lemon - - Cooking
Honey Lemon Researcher - - Cooking
Honey Lemon Authority - - Cooking
Duo Duo Green - - Cooking
Researcher Duo Duo - - Cooking
Green Authority of Duoduo - - Cooking
Sake - - Cooking
Researcher of Distilled Spirits - - Cooking
Sake Authority - - Cooking
Beef Soup - - Cooking
Beef Soup Researcher - - Cooking
Beef Soup Authority - - Cooking
Fried Chicken Cutlet - - Cooking
Researcher of Fried Chicken Cutlet - - Cooking
Crispy Chicken Cutlet Authority - - Cooking
Naval Sushi - - Cooking
Naval Sushi Researcher - - Cooking
Naval Sushi Authority - - Cooking
Grilled Chicken Skewers - - Cooking
Chicken Skewer Griller Researcher - - Cooking
Grilled Chicken Skewer Authority - - Cooking
Tamagoyaki! - - Cooking
Tamagoyaki! Researcher - - Cooking
Tamagoyaki! Authority - - Cooking
Steak Bread - - Cooking
Steak Bread Researcher - - Cooking