Name | Level | Stat | Type |
Moonlit Lovers | 95 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Magic Trick | 95 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Forgotten | 95 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Devout | 95 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Phantom Passerby | 95 | - | Conversations |
Wishing | 96 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Devouring wolf meat. | 96 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Battlefield Lover | 96 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Budding Fanaticism | 96 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Build a defense. | 96 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Stargazer | 96 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Fanatic | 96 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Poison Master | 96 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Carrying the Sky on One's Shoulders | 96 | - | Conversations |
New World | 100 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Delicious feast. | 100 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Tightly wrapped | 100 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Underline | 100 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Blow King | 100 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
The Strongest Dad | 100 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Contradictory | 100 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Anti-war activist | 100 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Decay | 100 | - | Conversations |
Resurgent | 101 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Unappetizing. | 101 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Indistinguishable gender | 101 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Spring snow on the ground, snake. | 101 | - | Conversations |
Skilled at guiding. | 105 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Bizarre Foodie | 105 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Country bumpkin | 105 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Incompetent. | 105 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Unable to find a girlfriend. | 105 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Toughman | - | - | Farming |
Raging Mom | 105 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Suspicious-looking. | 105 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Fantasy Martial Artist | 105 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Colorful | 105 | - | Conversations |
Filial | 106 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Dark Cuisine King | 106 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Single Dog | 106 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Amorous | 86 | CRIT +4 | Hidden Quests |
Overly sentimental | 106 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Single by ability. | 106 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
High places are cold. | 106 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Master of Deception | 106 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Rustic | 106 | - | Conversations |
Good brother. | 120 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Irreplaceable | 120 | SPD +16 | Conversations |
Pollen Girl | 120 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Feeling pain. | 120 | SPD +16 | Conversations |