AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale Titles

Name Level Stat Type
Knight 75 CRIT +4 Enemy Kills
Knight of the Sheep Camel - CRIT +3 Event
Knightly demeanor 95 Max HP +40 Enemy Kills
Know-It-All - - Senshi
Knowledgeable 55 ATK +8 Conversations
Knowledgeable - - Gathering
Koala 20 DEF +4 Astral Adventures
Kojiro Sasaki - - Fishing
Komi Apprentice 50 - Main Quests
Komi Best Assistant 50 - Main Quests
Komi Wingya's All-Purpose Sidekick 50 - Main Quests
Komi Wingya's subsidiary. 50 - Main Quests
Komi Yoko's authentic disciple. 50 - Main Quests
Komi favorite Student 50 - Main Quests
Kong Rong Gives Way - - Farming
Koromon 92 EVA +16 Enemy Kills
Kunoichi 60 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Kuroshio - - Treasure Hunter
Labor - - Alchemy
Laborer - - Gathering
Laborious 110 DEF +4 Astral Adventures
Labrador - - Farming
Laddie - - Senshi
Lady 38 CRIT +4 Enemy Kills
Lady Luck 10 - Astral Adventures
Lake Goddess 101 CRIT +4 Hidden Quests
Lame 55 DEF +4 Enemy Kills
Lamentable 118 Max HP +40 Enemy Kills
Land of Abundance - - Treasure Hunter
Land of the Stars - - Crafting
Landed on all fours. 100 Max HP +40 Enemy Kills
Language barrier 110 DEF +4 Astral Adventures
Laplace - - Event
Large size 108 DEF +4 Enemy Kills
Lasagna - - Cooking
Last One 80 ATK +8 Character Growth
Late Summer Fireworks 🎆 - DEF +20 Event
Late arrival. - - Gathering
Laughing - - Senshi
Laughing 28 DEF +4 Enemy Kills
Laughter and tears 10 - Other
Laundry worker - - Other
Laurel Nectar - - Cooking
Laurel Nectar Authority - - Cooking
Laurel Nectar Researcher - - Cooking
Layman - - Crafting
Lazy 90 Max HP +40 Astral Adventures
Lazy - - Fishing
Lazy 75 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Lazy 76 Max HP +40 Enemy Kills