Name | Level | Stat | Type |
Hero's Fate | - | - | Senshi |
Heroic | 28 | EVA +16 | Enemy Kills |
Heroic | 1 | CRIT +4 | Enemy Kills |
Heroine | - | - | Fishing |
Hesitant | 38 | EVA +16 | Enemy Kills |
Heterogeneous | - | - | Cooking |
Hibiscus | - | SPD +8 | Event |
Hidden | 58 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
High Beast | 90 | DEF +4 | Astral Adventures |
High Office | 1 | SPD +16 | Enemy Kills |
High Tech | 10 | - | Other |
High Voltage | 88 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
High places are cold. | 106 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
High synchronization rate | 100 | - | Senshi |
High temperature sterilization | - | - | Alchemy |
High-Level | 70 | CRIT +4 | Enemy Kills |
High-Pressure | - | - | Other |
High-Quality | - | - | Cooking |
High-Tension | - | - | Crafting |
High-end leather bag. | 98 | DEF +4 | Enemy Kills |
High-quality oil | - | - | Farming |
Highest State | 70 | CRIT +4 | Hidden Quests |
Highly Concentrated | - | - | Alchemy |
Highly-focused | 70 | ATK +8 | Character Growth |
Hillbilly | - | - | Fishing |
Hippie | - | - | Fishing |
Hired Hand | - | - | Farming |
Historical | 57 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
History | 3 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Hit people with bones. | 100 | - | Treasure Hunter |
Hitman | 45 | DEF +4 | Enemy Kills |
Hoarder | - | - | Gathering |
Hobbyist | - | - | Gathering |
Hockey Master | 78 | EVA +16 | Enemy Kills |
Hold On to Yourself | 90 | DEF +4 | Astral Adventures |
Holding a powerful army in hand. | 103 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Holding the fantasy. | - | - | Crafting |
Hole expert | 80 | ATK +8 | Hidden Quests |
Holographic projection. | 105 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Holy | - | - | Farming |
Holy Berserker | 65 | SPD +16 | Enemy Kills |
Holy Dragon Envoy | 80 | ATK +8 | Character Growth |
Holy Hymn | - | SPD +12 | Event |
Holy Light | 91 | - | Conversations |
Holy Light | 91 | - | Hidden Quests |
Holy Light | - | - | Gathering |
Holy Light Speed Legendary Hunter | 60 | - | Enemy Kills |
Holy Light Victor | 60 | - | Enemy Kills |
Holy Man | 70 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Holy Monster | 65 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |