AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale Titles

Name Level Stat Type
Mythic 100 - Treasure Hunter
Mythic - - Crafting
Myth Gardener - - Farming
Mystoge Sidekick 50 - Main Quests
Mystoge Favorite Student 50 - Main Quests
Mystoge Disciple 50 - Main Quests
Mystoge Best Assistant 50 - Main Quests
Mystoge Apprentice 50 - Main Quests
Mystic Poet 58 CRIT +4 Hidden Quests
Mystic Ace 88 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Mystic 30 ATK +8 Character Growth
Mystery 18 CRIT +4 Enemy Kills
Mystery 70 ATK +8 Character Growth
Mysterious and Fantastical 78 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Mysterious - - Senshi
Mysterious 10 - Enemy Kills
Mysterious 108 Max HP +40 Enemy Kills
Myopic 93 Max HP +40 Enemy Kills
My precious! 73 Max HP +40 Enemy Kills
My 85 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
My 43 SPD +16 Conversations
Mutual understanding and appreciation 100 - Senshi
Mute 80 ATK +8 Character Growth
Mutation Specialist 3 SPD +16 Enemy Kills
Mutated 98 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Mutated 1 - Astral Adventures
Mutant 75 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Musician Champion 40 - Battlefield
Musician 3rd Place 40 - Battlefield
Musician 2nd Place 40 - Battlefield
Musician - - Farming
Musician 80 Max HP +40 Character Growth
Music lover 100 Max HP +40 Astral Adventures
Mushroom-Loving 48 SPD +16 Conversations
Mushroom Head 80 DEF +4 Astral Adventures
Mushroom 48 SPD +16 Enemy Kills
Mushroom 78 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Muscular Man 83 EVA +16 Enemy Kills
Muscular - - Fishing
Muscular 50 ATK +8 Character Growth
Muscle enthusiasts 100 Max HP +40 Astral Adventures
Muscle Warrior 80 Max HP +40 Character Growth
Murderous look 80 DEF +4 Astral Adventures
Murderous aura 78 CRIT +4 Enemy Kills
Mumugan Kurin - DEF +20 Event
Mum Bus - ATK +6 Event
Multicultural 57 CRIT +4 Hidden Quests
Multi-Souled 99 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Muggle - - Farming
Mucus 20 DEF +4 Astral Adventures