Name | Level | Stat | Type |
Explosive | - | - | Fishing |
Explosive | 83 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Explosive | - | - | Farming |
Exposed | 85 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Exquisite | 70 | SPD +16 | Enemy Kills |
Exquisite | - | - | Treasure Hunter |
Exterminate the Celestial Master. | 118 | DEF +4 | Enemy Kills |
Exterminator | 105 | CRIT +4 | Enemy Kills |
Exterminator | 108 | DEF +4 | Enemy Kills |
Extinct | - | - | Fishing |
Extinct | 50 | - | Astral Adventures |
Extinguished | 98 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Extinguisher | 105 | SPD +16 | Enemy Kills |
Extraordinary | - | Max HP +80 | Event |
Extraordinary | 100 | - | Treasure Hunter |
Extraordinary | - | ATK +16 | Event |
Extraordinary Alchemist | - | - | Alchemy |
Extraordinary Angler | - | - | Fishing |
Extraordinary Chef | - | - | Cooking |
Extraordinary Gardener | - | - | Farming |
Extraordinary Gatherer | - | - | Gathering |
Extraordinary Tailor | - | - | Crafting |
Extraterrestrial | 50 | Max HP +40 | Astral Adventures |
Extravagant | 40 | Max HP +40 | Astral Adventures |
Extreme | 105 | EVA +16 | Enemy Kills |
Extreme | - | - | Cooking |
Extreme Rotation | 105 | CRIT +4 | Enemy Kills |
Extremely Hard | 85 | SPD +16 | Enemy Kills |
Extremely happy | - | - | Gathering |
Extremely talented | - | SPD +32 | Event |
Eye of Heaven | 10 | - | Enemy Kills |
Eye-catching | - | - | Gathering |
Eyebrows shaped like the character "八". | 100 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Fabled Hero | 48 | EVA +16 | Enemy Kills |
Fabricator | 40 | DEF +4 | Astral Adventures |
Face Washing | 58 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Failed | - | - | Fishing |
Failed | - | - | Crafting |
Failed | - | - | Crafting |
Faint | - | - | Farming |
Fairy Grass Jelly | - | - | Cooking |
Fairy Grass Jelly Expert | - | - | Cooking |
Fairy Grass Jelly Scholar | - | - | Cooking |
Faith | 118 | DEF +4 | Enemy Kills |
Faith | - | - | Senshi |
Faithful | 68 | ATK +8 | Hidden Quests |
Faithful | - | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Fake Scared Face | 68 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Fallen | 118 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Fallen | 38 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |