AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale Titles

Name Level Stat Type
Sad - - Farming
Sad 118 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Sad 75 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Sacrilegious 100 - Treasure Hunter
Sacrificial 10 Max HP +40 Astral Adventures
Sacrificer 98 EVA +16 Enemy Kills
Sacrifice 48 DEF +4 Astral Adventures
Sacrifice 93 EVA +16 Enemy Kills
Sacred Tree 100 - Treasure Hunter
Sacred Tiger 1 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Sacred 60 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
SOS - - Farming
S-class 50 DEF +4 Enemy Kills
S-Class Bodyguard 50 DEF +4 Enemy Kills
Rustic 106 - Conversations
Rushing 20 Max HP +40 Astral Adventures
Running Out of Ideas - - Gathering
Running Man 85 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Running Away Crying 48 DEF +4 Enemy Kills
Running 50 SPD +16 Enemy Kills
Runner-Up - - Fishing
Runner 95 Max HP +40 Enemy Kills
Runaway 60 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Rumored Person - - Senshi
Rumor - - Gathering
Rules 80 Max HP +40 Character Growth
Ruler 28 Max HP +40 Enemy Kills
Rule breaking - - Crafting
Ruins 108 Max HP +40 Enemy Kills
Rudolf - ATK +250 Event
Rude and Ruthless - - Senshi
Ruby - - Senshi
Royal guardian 81 - Conversations
Royal good burning authority - - Cooking
Royal chef 81 ATK +8 Conversations
Royal Wind 70 DEF +4 Astral Adventures
Royal Spirit Sword - - Senshi
Royal Spirit - - Senshi
Royal Chief 80 DEF +4 Astral Adventures
Rowing Athlete - CRIT +100 Event
Round and chubby 78 CRIT +4 Enemy Kills
Roughneck 57 SPD +16 Enemy Kills
Rough. - - Farming
Rotten Wood 65 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Rot 50 Max HP +40 Astral Adventures
Rosy - - Fishing
Rosy - ATK +16 Event
Rose - - Fishing
Rope - ATK +6 Event
Romantic 70 EVA +16 Enemy Kills