AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale Titles

Name Level Stat Type
First-Place Gladiator - - Battlefield
Second-Place Gladiator - - Battlefield
Third-Place Gladiator - - Battlefield
First-Place Angler - - Event
Second-Place Angler - - Event
Third-Place Angler - - Event
First-Place Gatherer - - Event
Second-Place Gatherer - - Event
Third-Place Gatherer - - Event
Protean - EVA +32 Event
Masked Hero - Max HP +80 Event
Memorable - - Event
Sharpshooter - - Event
Kitty-Cat Crew's - - Event
Carpe Diem - - Event
Sugar-Loving - - Event
Prankish - - Event
The Acclaimed - - Event
Skillful - - Event
7-Star Chef - - Event
Santa Claus - - Event
Leap Year Party Master - - Event
Conqueror - - Event
Sweet - ATK +8 Event
Chocolate - SPD +16 Event
Sprite Messenger - - Event
Sword Fox - - Event
Eternal Guardian - - Event
Shield of Glory - - Event
Legendary Hero - - Event
Envoy of Gaia - - Event
Dragomon Hunter - - Event
Friend of Capybaras - - Event
Laplace - - Event
Magical Love - - Event
No Candy No Goody Scroll - - Event
The Storm God Arrives - - Event
Cursed Doll - - Event
Waiting Patiently - - Event
Gourmet Prisoner - - Event
Thunderclap Headache - - Event
Melee - 1st Place - - Battlefield
Melee - 2nd Place - - Battlefield
Melee - 3rd Place - - Battlefield
Dressed in Red - - Event
Fireworks master - - Event
Planting trees - - Event
Good at hiding - - Event
Taboo - - Event
flammable - - Event