AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale Titles

Name Level Stat Type
The Immortal Gatherer - - Gathering
Invincible Gatherer - - Gathering
The Fishing Master Who Became Immortal - - Fishing
Invincible Angler - - Fishing
Enchanted Tailor - - Crafting
Zen Master Crafter - - Crafting
Possessed Chef - - Cooking
Buddha's Chef - - Cooking
Magic Alchemist - - Alchemy
Frederic Alchemist - - Alchemy
Magic Gardener - - Farming
Buddhist gardener - - Farming
Possessed Collector - - Gathering
Zen Master Gatherer - - Gathering
Enchanted Angler - - Fishing
Zen Master Fisherman - - Fishing
Mythical Tailor - - Crafting
Miracle Tailor - - Crafting
Mythical chef - - Cooking
Miracle Chef - - Cooking
Mythical Alchemist - - Alchemy
Miracle Alchemist - - Alchemy
Myth Gardener - - Farming
Miracle Gardener - - Farming
Mythical Collector - - Gathering
Miracle Collector - - Gathering
Mythical Fisherman - - Fishing
Miracle Fisherman - - Fishing
Legendary tailor - - Crafting
Sanctuary tailor - - Crafting
Legendary chef - - Cooking
Sanctuary chef - - Cooking
Legendary Alchemist - - Alchemy
Sanctuary Alchemist - - Alchemy
Legendary gardener - - Farming
Sanctuary gardener - - Farming
Legend collector - - Gathering
Sanctuary Collector - - Gathering
Legendary fisherman - - Fishing
Sanctuary - - Fishing
Exclusive Goddess' Crafting - - Crafting
Alliance Potterer - - Crafting
Handicraftsman - - Crafting
Artisan - - Crafting
Exclusive Goddess' Chef - - Cooking
Alliance Chef - - Cooking
Head Chef - - Cooking
Sous Chef - - Cooking
Exclusive Goddess' Alchemist - - Alchemy
Alliance Alchemist - - Alchemy