AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale Titles

Name Level Stat Type
Cautious - - Crafting
Thrilling - - Crafting
Majestic and imposing. - - Crafting
Beautiful - - Crafting
Artisan - - Crafting
Flow Force - - Crafting
Carving - - Crafting
Space Metal - - Crafting
Alloy - - Crafting
Titan's - - Crafting
Nietzsche - - Crafting
Kant - - Crafting
Uncle Ben - - Crafting
Workaholic - - Treasure Hunter
Four seasons like spring. - - Treasure Hunter
Li Bai - - Treasure Hunter
First Mate - - Treasure Hunter
Blazing - - Crafting
Resistance - - Crafting
Flame Warrior - - Crafting
Starry. - - Crafting
Head Chef - - Cooking
Bright and shining. - - Crafting
Land of the Stars - - Crafting
Armored Soldier - - Crafting
Rigid - - Crafting
Persistent and unwavering - - Crafting
Explore the fantastical - - Crafting
Discovered the fantasy. - - Crafting
Having a fantasy - - Crafting
Alliance Chef - - Cooking
Collecting treasures. - - Treasure Hunter
Mount Wei - - Treasure Hunter
Ocean Overlord - - Treasure Hunter
Brave person - - Treasure Hunter
Wooden Armor - - Crafting
Splitting the mountain peak - - Crafting
Art of the Wooden Man. - - Crafting
Earth Escape Armor - - Crafting
地遁能乎的<br><br>Can Earth Escape? - - Crafting
Earth Escape Assistant - - Crafting
New technology - - Crafting
Innovative biotechnology's - - Crafting
Fresh Tech - - Crafting
Search for fantasy. - - Crafting
Find the fantasy. - - Crafting
Holding the fantasy. - - Crafting
Collect rare - - Treasure Hunter
Land of Abundance - - Treasure Hunter
Accompanied by moonlight - - Treasure Hunter