Name | Level | Stat | Type |
Scoring King | - | - | Crafting |
Scorpio | 10 | - | Other |
Scout | 55 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Scowling | 28 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Scratchy | - | - | Terracottage |
Scrawny | - | - | Fishing |
Screaming | 78 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Screaming at the top of your lungs | 3 | DEF +4 | Enemy Kills |
Screen | 30 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Screenwriter | - | - | Fishing |
Scum | 48 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Scythe of Death | 10 | - | Enemy Kills |
Sea Demon | - | - | Treasure Hunter |
Sea Dominator | 105 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Sea Monster | - | - | Treasure Hunter |
Sea Prince | - | - | Fishing |
Sea Statue | - | - | Treasure Hunter |
Sea dried up and rocks crumbled. | 20 | - | Event |
Seafarer | 88 | DEF +4 | Enemy Kills |
Seafaring | - | - | Treasure Hunter |
Seafood Buffet | 75 | ATK +8 | Conversations |
Seafood Pancake | - | - | Cooking |
Seafood Pancake Scholar | - | - | Cooking |
Seal | 70 | CRIT +4 | Enemy Kills |
Sealed | - | - | Senshi |
Seamless | - | - | Farming |
Seamless | - | - | Crafting |
Search for fantasy. | - | - | Crafting |
Seashore Traveler | 68 | - | Hidden Quests |
Seaside | 50 | DEF +4 | Astral Adventures |
Seasoned Hero | - | DEF +8 | Event |
Second Place | - | - | Alchemy |
Second-Place Alchemist | - | - | Event |
Second-Place Angler | - | - | Event |
Second-Place Cook | - | - | Event |
Second-Place Craftsman | - | - | Event |
Second-Place Farmer | - | - | Event |
Second-Place Gatherer | - | - | Event |
Second-Place Gladiator | - | - | Battlefield |
Second-hand Goods | 68 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Secondary | 93 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Secondary Soul | 60 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Secret | 18 | Max HP +40 | Enemy Kills |
Secret Dimension Stylish Guy | 68 | EVA +16 | Enemy Kills |
Secret Keeper | 93 | EVA +16 | Enemy Kills |
Secret Weapon | 8 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Security Guard | 55 | CRIT +4 | Enemy Kills |
Seeing is believing. | 20 | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Seeker | - | ATK +8 | Enemy Kills |
Seeking great fortune. | 10 | - | Other |