AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale Titles

Name Level Stat Type
Electrified - - Fishing
Electrically Shocked 100 - Treasure Hunter
Electric Fire 85 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Electric Current 50 DEF +4 Astral Adventures
Elder of the Ruins 108 DEF +4 Enemy Kills
Elder Lizard 125 SPD +16 Enemy Kills
Elder Brother 91 ATK +8 Hidden Quests
El Pescante - - Fishing
Einstein - - Farming
Egotistic 28 DEF +4 Enemy Kills
Egotistic 75 Max HP +40 Enemy Kills
Egomaniac - - Senshi
Egg Collector - - Event
Effortlessly done. - - Alchemy
Efficient - - Alchemy
Efficiency-Seeking - - Treasure Hunter
Effervescent - - Cooking
Effective - - Alchemy
Eel enthusiasts - - Fishing
Edible - - Farming
Edgy 85 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Ecologist - - Senshi
Ecologically Disastrous 78 EVA +16 Enemy Kills
Eco-friendly 68 EVA +16 Enemy Kills
Eclipsed - - Gathering
Echo - - Senshi
Echo 10 - Other
Eavesdropping - - Gathering
Eating Grass - CRIT +6 Event
Eat mine. - ATK +16 Event
Easygoing - - Farming
Easy to blaspheme 80 Max HP +40 Astral Adventures
Easy to Pick On 65 CRIT +4 Enemy Kills
Eastern Hero - CRIT +8 Event
Eastern Forest's 10 Max HP +40 Astral Adventures
East Emperor Warrior 106 - Main Quests
Earthquake 80 DEF +4 Astral Adventures
Earthen buns 50 Max HP +40 Astral Adventures
Earth Shaker 70 ATK +8 Enemy Kills
Earth Hunter - - Gathering
Earth Guardian 48 ATK +8 Hidden Quests
Earth Giant 10 Max HP +40 Astral Adventures
Earth Escape Assistant - - Crafting
Earth Escape Armor - - Crafting
Earth Constellation 10 - Other
Earn a fortune every day. - Max HP +80 Event
Early Riser 60 SPD +16 Enemy Kills
Early - - Farming
Earl Grey Tea Authority - - Cooking
Earl Grey Researcher - - Cooking