
Title Empress of Snow
Max Level 95
Senshi Points
1-Star 5
2-Star 10
3-Star 15
4-Star 30
5-Star 35
Senshi Blessings
Senshi Blessings (Upgraded)
Detailed Information
Cold, proud Lenna is the ruler of the ice world. As an empress, Lenna is confident and resolute, but confidence and resolution are hardly her most powerful weapon-her raw aptitude to sweep everyone off their feet is.

Born with the power of ice and snow, Lenna wraps frost and hailstorm around her finger-she can freeze her foes before they know what hit them. Tremble before Lenna!
Senshi Information
ATK Bonus 3885
EVA Bonus 2029
Star Star Energy Materials
1-Star 5 -
2-Star 10
3-Star 15
4-Star 20
5-Star 20
Name DMG Effect
Winter is Coming Lv1
359% Elemental DMG
Winter is Coming Lv2
375% Elemental DMG
Winter is Coming Lv3
406% Elemental DMG
Astral: Winter is Coming Lv1
436% Elemental DMG
Astral: Winter is Coming Lv2
467% Elemental DMG
Diamond Dust
228% Elemental DMG
Diamond Dust
228% Elemental DMG
Diamond Dust
228% Elemental DMG
Diamond Dust
228% Elemental DMG
Diamond Dust
228% Elemental DMG
Senshi Formation
Enchanted Night [+]
Senshi Item Stat Bonus Max Strength
ATK +3150
CRIT +630
Max Effect: Stage 1
DEF Value increased by 11%
When attacking, there is a 14% chance to increase SPD by 17%, lasting for 6 seconds, Cooldown 12 seconds
Max Effect: Stage 2
DMG dealt to Boss monsters increased by 17%
When attacking, there is a 14% chance to increase critical hit Value by 12.5%, lasting for 6 seconds, Cooldown 12 seconds
Max Effect: Stage 3
Remote attribute skill DMG increased by 17%
When attacking, there is a 14% chance to recover 17% HP, Cooldown 3 seconds
Azure Elements [+]
Senshi Item Stat Bonus Max Strength
DEF +720
EVA +360
Max Effect: Stage 1
Elemental attribute skill DMG increased by 17%
When attacked, there is a 14% chance to increase EVA by 13.5%, lasting for 6 seconds, Cooldown 12 seconds
Max Effect: Stage 2
EVA Value increased by 11%
When attacked, there is a 14% chance to increase ATK by 12.5%, lasting 6 seconds, Cooldown 12 seconds
Max Effect: Stage 3
DMG dealt to Boss monsters increased by 12%
When attacking, there is a 9% chance to reduce DMG received from the Boss by 10.5%, lasting for 6 seconds, Cooldown 12 seconds
Witch's Circle [+]
Senshi Item Stat Bonus Max Strength
HP +2700
ATK +1350
Max Effect: Stage 1
HP increased by 9%
When attacking, there is a 6% chance to increase ATK by 6.5%, lasting for 6 seconds, with an 18-second Cooldown.
Max Effect: Stage 2
Dodge Value increased by 6%
When attacking, there is a 6% chance to increase DEF by 6.5%, lasting for 6 seconds, Cooldown 18 seconds.
Max Effect: Stage 3
DEF increase by 6%
When attacking, there is a 6% chance to increase CRIT DMG by 9%, lasting for 6 seconds, Cooldown 18 seconds.