Hikari and Kanade

Title Twin Divine Messengers
Max Level 100
Senshi Points
1-Star 5
2-Star 10
3-Star 15
4-Star 30
5-Star 35
Senshi Blessings
Detailed Information
Gemini's Hikari and Kanade are the most famous twin sisters in the Twelve Zodiac Monastery. Their adorable appearance, paired with their favorite lace dresses, always catches the attention of passersby. However, their personalities are not as cute as their looks, because their favorite thing to do is... mischief! Their most famous feat was summoning a whirlwind during spell class, shaping all the trees and plants in the monastery into the form of cats, including the proud Cypress tree, which the spell teacher was particularly proud of. Seeing the once elegant and majestic Cypress transformed into two cat heads, the spell teacher was so infuriated that she even fainted with her eyes rolling back. According to them, "Wasn't the purpose of this spell assignment to learn how to fine-tune spells? So we fine-tuned the shape of the entire monastery's plants!"
Senshi Information
ATK Bonus 6355
EVA Bonus 2565
Star Star Energy Materials
1-Star 5 -
2-Star 10
3-Star 15
4-Star 20
5-Star 20
Name DMG Effect
Senshi Ultimate Move - Twin Wishes LV1
359% Arcane DMG
Senshi Ultimate Move - Twin Wishes LV2
375% Arcane DMG
Senshi Ultimate Move - Twin Wishes LV3
406% Arcane DMG
S.Senshi Ultimate Move - Gemini Prayer LV1
436% Arcane DMG
S.Senshi Ultimate Move - Gemini Prayer LV2
467% Arcane DMG
Cale Exterminator Sprint
228% Arcane DMG
Cale Exterminator Sprint
228% Arcane DMG
Cale Exterminator Sprint
228% Arcane DMG
Cale Exterminator Sprint
228% Arcane DMG
Cale Exterminator Sprint
228% Arcane DMG
Senshi Formation
Dragon Roar and Tiger Prowl [+]
Senshi Item Stat Bonus Max Strength
HP +9900
ATK +4950
Max Effect: Stage 1
DEF increase by 24%
When attacking, there is a 25% chance to increase ATK by 19% for 6 seconds, Cooldown 12 seconds
Max Effect: Stage 2
DMG dealt increased by 26%
When attacked, there is a 28% chance to recover 26% HP, Cooldown 3 seconds
Max Effect: Stage 3
Movement SPD increased by 26%
When attacking, there is a 25% chance to increase DMG to the Boss by 26%, lasting 6 seconds, Cooldown 12 seconds