
Title Moon Maiden
Max Level 100
Senshi Points
1-Star 5
2-Star 10
3-Star 15
4-Star 30
5-Star 35
Senshi Blessings
Detailed Information
The cute Azusa may be Sakura's little sister, but she's long dreamed of stepping out of her shadow. Though seemingly frail in person, her magical ambition and alluring beauty-which seem to personify the most melodic of ancient Chinese verses-make her a real threat.

She effortlessly flaunts her two fans to assault nearby enemies, punishing them with astounding force.
Senshi Information
HP Bonus 6647
CRIT Bonus 356
Star Star Energy Materials
1-Star 10 -
2-Star 10
3-Star 10
4-Star 10
5-Star 10
Name DMG Effect
Astral Nightmare Lv1
311% Elemental DMG
Astral Nightmare Lv2
346% Elemental DMG
Astral Nightmare Lv3
381% Elemental DMG
Astral: Astral Nightmare Lv1
416% Elemental DMG
Astral: Astral Nightmare Lv2
451% Elemental DMG
Winter's Grasp
203% Elemental DMG
Winter's Grasp
203% Elemental DMG
Winter's Grasp
203% Elemental DMG
Winter's Grasp
203% Elemental DMG
Winter's Grasp
203% Elemental DMG
Senshi Formation
Passionate Academy [+]
Senshi Item Stat Bonus Max Strength
SPD +180
CRIT +270
Max Effect: Stage 1
CRIT Value increased by 6%
When attacked, there is a 9% chance to increase SPD by 9%, lasting for 6 seconds, Cooldown 18 seconds
Max Effect: Stage 2
SPD Value increased by 6%
When attacked, there is a 9% chance to reduce the target's DEF Value by 7.5%, lasting for 6 seconds, Cooldown 18 seconds
Max Effect: Stage 3
CRIT DMG increased by 6%
When attacked, there is a 9% chance to increase CRIT DMG by 9%, lasting for 6 seconds, with an 18-second Cooldown.
Heavenly Dance Elegance [+]
Senshi Item Stat Bonus Max Strength
HP +2700
EVA +180
Max Effect: Stage 1
EVA Value increased by 6%
When attacked, there is a 9% chance to increase DEF by 6.5%, lasting for 6 seconds, Cooldown 18 seconds
Max Effect: Stage 2
Max HP increases by 9%
When attacking, there is a 6% chance to gain a 2-layer shield that absorbs 50% of DMG, lasts for 6 seconds, Cooldown 18 seconds
Max Effect: Stage 3
Movement SPD increased by 9%
When attacked, there is a 9% chance to increase all attribute resistances by 9%, lasting for 6 seconds, Cooldown 18 seconds