
Title Kawaii Kitsune
Max Level 100
Senshi Points
1-Star 5
2-Star 10
3-Star 15
4-Star 30
5-Star 35
Senshi Blessings
Senshi Blessings (Upgraded)
Detailed Information
A paragon of purity and childlike innocence, Koharu is the princess of the ancient, near-extinct Vulpes race. Countless Vulpes have sacrificed themselves to protect Koharu and the holy artifact "White Jade". She won't let their deaths to have been in vain.

As the last remaining heir to the Vulpes royal line, Koharu is imbued with incredible innate power. Her mastery of flame is second to none, and all evildoers who cross her path-or even worse, threaten the Vulpes-suffer a fiery, untimely fate.
Senshi Information
ATK Bonus 4288
HP Bonus 6647
Star Star Energy Materials
1-Star 5 -
2-Star 10
3-Star 15
4-Star 20
5-Star 20
Name DMG Effect
Chaotic Renewal Lv1
354% Arcane DMG
Chaotic Renewal Lv2
386% Arcane DMG
Chaotic Renewal Lv3
419% Arcane DMG
Astral: Chaotic Renewal Lv1
452% Arcane DMG
Astral: Chaotic Renewal Lv2
485% Arcane DMG
Magic Night Fire
250% Arcane DMG
Magic Night Fire
250% Arcane DMG
Magic Night Fire
250% Arcane DMG
Magic Night Fire
250% Arcane DMG
Magic Night Fire
250% Arcane DMG
Senshi Formation
Animal Star Friends [+]
Senshi Item Stat Bonus Max Strength
HP +6300
DEF +930
Max Effect: Stage 1
DEF Value Increased by 10%
SPD increased by 10%
Max Effect: Stage 2
HP increases by 10%.
When attacked, there is a 16% chance to deal additional damage to the target equal to 92% of ATK values per second for 6 seconds, with a cooldown of 12 seconds.
Max Effect: Stage 3
Increase damage dealt by 7%.
When attacking, there is a 16% chance to add an additional 14% of DEF values to ATK values for 6 seconds, with a 12-second Cooldown.
New Year's Spring Colors [+]
Senshi Item Stat Bonus Max Strength
ATK +4950
EVA +540
Max Effect: Stage 1
Max HP increased by 26%
When attacking, there is a 25% chance to increase DEF by 19% for 6 seconds, Cooldown 12 seconds
Max Effect: Stage 2
CRIT Value increased by 26%
When attacking, there is a 25% chance to reduce the target's DEF by 26%, lasting for 6 seconds, Cooldown 12 seconds
Max Effect: Stage 3
Boss DMG increased by 26%
When attacking, there is a 25% chance to increase CRIT DMG by 26%, lasting 6 seconds, Cooldown 12 seconds.