AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Lobsterfrog Crabtree
60 Boss Monster
Meow Power - Grolain - 60 Boss Monster
Meow Power - Komi - 60 Boss Monster
Meow Power - Sir Chamantt - 60 Boss Monster
Meow Power - Monteblot - 60 Boss Monster
Meow Power - Erinata - 60 Boss Monster
Meow Power - Nagawin - 60 Boss Monster
Meow Power - Star Ken - 60 Boss Monster
60 General Monster
Nightfire Vega
60 Boss Monster
Ruby Captain Starkin
60 Boss Monster
Fire Sprite Mephisto
60 Boss Monster
Partisan Cavalry
60 General Monster
Ruby Warlock
60 General Monster
Ruby Fighter
60 General Monster
Ruby Pioneer
60 General Monster
Meow Power - Mystoge - 60 Boss Monster
Ruby Commander Drammel
60 Boss Monster
Ruby Pioneer
60 General Monster
Bestial Buck
60 General Monster
窒息水球解除 - 60 Elite Monster
High Voltage Kormorant
60 Elite Monster
Partisan Cultist
60 Boss Monster
Shadow Mage
60 General Monster
Shadow Assassin
60 General Monster
Stone Patroller
60 General Monster
60 Elite Monster
Sanctuary Guardian Cale
60 Boss Monster
60 Elite Monster
60 Elite Monster
Shadow Assassin
60 General Monster
Conductive Muckling
60 Elite Monster
Spectral Overlord
60 Elite Monster
Deathless Specter
60 Elite Monster
Slimwing Butterpillar
60 Elite Monster
Poisonflower Butterpillar
60 Elite Monster
Shadow Wildfire - 60 General Monster
Shadow Fragment
60 General Monster
夢魘碎塊 - 60 General Monster
黑暗刀刃 - 60 General Monster
神聖領域特殊作用 - 60 General
隱形目標怪 - 60 General Monster
夢魘結晶 - 60 General Monster
火焰地板 - 60 General Monster
Servant of Darkness
60 General Monster
Uncontrollable Fina
60 Boss Monster
Uncontrollable Duo
60 Boss Monster
Uncontrollable Zaro
60 Boss Monster
<Hymn of Heaven> Fina
60 Boss Monster
<Hammerfall> Samuel
60 Boss Monster