AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Rising Star Explorer Leiya - 50 General
Necromantic Puppet - 114 Elite Monster
Treasure Hunter Kathrina - 1 General
<Ice Storm> Rawlinged
103 Boss Monster
<生命求道者> 茲卡烏巴 - 61 Boss Monster
Sanguine Samurai Nerokas
75 Boss Monster
Sanctuary Guardian Cale
75 Boss Monster
The Cursed Thorn Nadirr
75 Boss Monster
Treasure Hunter Kathrina - 1 General
<厄夜伯爵> 傑森
82 Boss Monster
表演用槍星 - 1 General
Frost Cherry Bug - 116 General Monster
<Thief Gang Leader> Pulaxi Drak - 1 General
<Furnace Troll> Volno - 1 General
<Deputy Leader of the Thieves Guild> Aledon - 1 General
Sanctopolis Warrior Training Instructor Puckett - 1 General
<Astral Warrior Training Instructor> Parked - 1 General
<Astral Warrior Training Instructor> Parked - 1 General
<Astral Queen> Crimson Star Amaris - 105 Elite Monster
Young Spirit Dragon - 75 Elite Monster
Frost Ancient Dragon - 117 General Monster
Frost Card - 119 Elite Monster
The King of Wu Wei - 1 General
After the tyranny - 1 General
City of Perseverance - 1 General
Teaching of Compassion - 1 General
Agile Rider - 1 General
The Ever changing Soldier - 1 General
After the tyranny - 1 General
City of Perseverance - 1 General
Teaching of Compassion - 1 General
Agile Rider - 1 General
The Ever changing Soldier - 1 General
Shadow Queen - 1 General
Sturdy Rock Castle - 1 General
Dawn Bishop - 1 General
Thunder Knight - 1 General
Fearless Soldier - 1 General
Shadow Queen - 1 General
Sturdy Rock Castle - 1 General
Dawn Bishop - 1 General
Thunder Knight - 1 General
Fearless Soldier - 1 General
<Adventure Nova> Leia - 1 General
<Village Chief> Mullabit - 1 General
Blue Tree Spirit - 1 General
Tree Spirit - 1 General
Abyssal Plague - 121 General Monster
Magic Cannon - 79 Elite Monster
Abyssal Death Demon - 122 General Monster