AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Dark Dragon Lizard
145 Elite Monster
<God of the Underworld> Osiris
155 Boss Monster
Kem Fragment
145 Elite Monster
Nice Shattered Soul
145 Elite Monster
<Goddess of Heaven Earth> Gaia
155 Boss Monster
<Goddess of Heaven Earth> Gaia
160 Boss Monster
Energy Column
145 Elite Monster
Mini Energy Bar
145 Elite Monster
Mini Energy Bar
145 Elite Monster
Judgment Purple Guardian Luo - 130 General
Judgment Embroidered Du Ball - 130 General
Judgment Revenge Blossom - 130 General
Judgment of the Underworld - 130 General
<Guardian> Matar - 5 General
<Jealous God> Sais - 5 General
<Avenger God> Sakhis - 5 General
<God of the Underworld> Osiris - 5 General
<Goddess of Heaven Earth> Gaia - 5 General
<Goddess of Heaven Earth> Gaia - 5 General
<Guardian> Matar - 5 General
<Jealous God> Sais - 5 General
<Avenger God> Sakhis - 5 General
<God of the Underworld> Osiris - 5 General
<Goddess of Heaven Earth> Gaia - 5 General
<Goddess of Heaven Earth> Gaia - 5 General
<Hymn of Heaven> Fina
60 Boss Monster
<Hammerfall> Samuel
60 Boss Monster
<Blademaster> Zaro
60 Boss Monster
<Space Bombardier> Levi
60 Boss Monster
<Enchantress> Claire
60 Boss Monster
<Bundle of Energy> Gogo
60 Boss Monster
<Star Maiden> Sakura
60 Boss Monster
<Hymn of Heaven> Fina
70 Boss Monster
<Hammerfall> Samuel
70 Boss Monster
<Blademaster> Zaro
70 Boss Monster
<Space Bombardier> Levi
70 Boss Monster
<Enchantress> Claire
70 Boss Monster
<Bundle of Energy> Gogo
70 Boss Monster
<Star Maiden> Sakura
70 Boss Monster
<Hymn of Heaven> Fina
80 Boss Monster
<Hammerfall> Samuel
80 Boss Monster
<Blademaster> Zaro
80 Boss Monster
<Space Bombardier> Levi
80 Boss Monster
<Enchantress> Claire
80 Boss Monster
<Bundle of Energy> Gogo
80 Boss Monster
<Star Maiden> Sakura
80 Boss Monster
<Hymn of Heaven> Fina
100 Boss Monster
<Hammerfall> Samuel
100 Boss Monster
<Blademaster> Zaro
100 Boss Monster
<Space Bombardier> Levi
100 Boss Monster