AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
<Astral Queen> Azure-Star: Marisa's - 61 General Monster
Chieftain Tabula - 1 General
Wounded Elf Soldier - 1 General
Magic Water Frog - 111 General Monster
奈羅迦死亡表演生物 - 1 Boss Monster
<Gale> Lommel - 1 General
Blue Ironshell
90 General Monster
Crimson Ironshell
90 General Monster
Wandering Spirit
100 General Monster
<Astral Queen> Azure-Star: Marisa's
99 Boss Monster
Blue Ironshell
90 General Monster
Crimson Ironshell
90 General Monster
Wandering Spirit
100 General Monster
Giant Rock of Magic Motion - 112 General Monster
Treasure Hunter Leiya - 15 General
<Treasure Hunter> Leiya - 15 General
<Spirit Priest> Jo - 1 General
<Mysterious Merchant> Miget - 1 General
<Venomous Scorpion> Othien - 38 Boss Monster
<Barbarian's Claws> Ant - 38 Boss Monster
<Emerald Hunter> Thor - 38 Boss Monster
<Thermal Torrent> Sodor - 38 Boss Monster
<Death Ruler> Doraewon - 38 Boss Monster
光環隱形生物 - 1 General Monster
<Death Seeker> Mycroft - 38 Boss Monster
<Hellhound> Balor Sid
100 General
<Hellhound> Balor Sid
100 General
<Spirit Priest> Jo - 1 General
路卡維死亡表演生物 - 1 Boss Monster
King of Ascetics - 77 General
74 Elite Monster
Black Snake Cannon Cart - 103 General Monster
Carnal Church - 77 General
Brutal Cavalier - 77 General
<炎之巨人> 司爾特 - 57 Boss Monster
<生命求道者> 茲卡烏巴 - 52 Boss Monster
<生命求道者> 茲卡烏巴 - 61 Boss Monster
The Cursed Thorn Nadirr
58 General
<生命求道者> 茲卡烏巴 - 61 Boss Monster
<生命求道者> 茲卡烏巴 - 52 Boss Monster
Busy with Delivery Pomie - 50 General
Expecting Delivery Nena - 50 General
Expecting Delivery Meena - 50 General
Treasure Hunter - 50 General
Treasure Hunter - 50 General
Rising Star Explorer Leiya - 50 General
Necromantic Puppet - 114 Elite Monster
Treasure Hunter Kathrina - 1 General
<Ice Storm> Rawlinged
103 Boss Monster
<生命求道者> 茲卡烏巴 - 61 Boss Monster