AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
<Devil's Sweetheart> Belle
74 Boss Monster
Ancient Orcan
74 Elite Monster
Ancient Machine
74 Elite Monster
Tidal Black Tiger
74 General Monster
Rebellious Elf
74 General Monster
74 Elite Monster
Magic Cannon - 74 Elite Monster
<To the sixth floor of the Ba Shen Tower> Ancient inscription
74 General
Ancient Anathema Cursed Maniacha
74 Boss Monster
Devil Mech
74 Elite Monster
Rebellious Elf
74 General Monster
Ancient Ogre
74 Elite Monster
<純白祈願> 諾薇雅
74 General
Devil Mech
74 Elite Monster
Young Spirit Dragon - 74 Elite Monster
74 Elite Monster
<白夜幻姬> 璃兒
74 General
74 Elite Monster
<星之巫女> 櫻
74 General
<To the fourth floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription
74 General
Sealed ancient inscription
74 General
Sealed ancient inscription
74 General
Devil Mech
74 Elite Monster
<預言之輪> 夏綠蒂
74 General
Sealed ancient inscription
74 General
Sealed ancient inscription
74 General
<To the second floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription
74 General
Sealed ancient inscription
74 General
<To the sixth floor of the Ba Shen Tower> Ancient inscription
74 General
<To the fifth floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription
74 General
<To the sixth floor of the Ba Shen Tower> Ancient inscription
74 General
Ancient Anathema Cursed Maniacha
74 Boss Monster
<禁書神使> 克蕾兒
74 General
74 Elite Monster
<Floral Brilliance> Anzu
74 Boss Monster
<耀彩春姬> 杏
74 General
<劍之勇者> 亞倫
74 General
<冰雪女王> 蕾娜
74 General
Osprae - 74 Elite Monster
<幻夢之月> 露娜
74 General
<Frozen Flame> Aflallo
74 Boss Monster
Ancient Machine
74 Elite Monster
<Moon of Dreams> Luna
74 Boss Monster
<顫慄寒焰> 艾弗洛特
74 General
Ancient Machine
74 Elite Monster
<Empress of Snow> Lenna
74 Boss Monster
<To the fifth floor of the Pagoda Tower> Ancient inscription
74 General
Chevalier Aryn
74 Boss Monster
Ancient Ogre
74 Elite Monster
<惡魔甜心> 貝兒
74 General