AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
14th Hall Trial Illusion
64 Elite Monster
13th Hall Trial Illusion
63 General Monster
12th Hall Trial Illusion
62 General Monster
Sledgeblow Niclas
60 Boss Monster
<Trembling Cold Flame> Evelotte - 1 General
9th Hall Trial Illusion
59 Elite Monster
7th Hall Trial Illusion
57 General Monster
6th Hall Trial Illusion
56 General Monster
5th Hall Trial Illusion Vladimir Beastfists
55 Boss Monster
4th Hall Trial Illusion
55 Elite Monster
精靈村民D - 1 General
<Distant Friends> Yoyo - 1 General
<Princess of Arcadia> Elsa Lein - 1 General
<Princess of Arcadia> Elsa Lein - 1 General
Vivian - 1 General
3rd Hall Trial Illusion
55 General Monster
2nd Hall Trial Illusion
55 General Monster
精靈村民C - 1 General
55 General Monster
1st Hall Trial Illusion
55 General Monster
Third Eye Samsonite
58 Boss Monster
<Distant Friend> Thirteen - 1 General
<Distant Friend> Thirteen - 1 General
美樂蒂舞台(卡信用) - 1 General
<Distant Friend> Thirteen - 1 General
<Distant Friend> Thirteen - 1 General
<Distant Friend> Thirteen - 1 General
<Distant Friend> Manny - 1 General
<Distant Friend> Manny - 1 General
<Distant Friend> Manny - 1 General
<Distant Friend> Manny - 1 General
<Distant Friend> Manny - 1 General
Cooldown Pool - 38 General Monster
<Distant Friend> Romie - 1 General
<Distant Friend> Romie - 1 General
<Distant Friend> Romie - 1 General
<Distant Friend> Romie - 1 General
<Distant Friend> Romie - 1 General
<Prankster Wizard> Jack - 5 General
裝飾用柱子 - 1 General
傳送門 - 1 General
<Vice President of Praise> Vincent - 1 General
Temple Titan
48 General Monster
Goblin Banner
103 General Monster
Temple Dragon
48 General Monster
49 Elite Monster
<Snow Rabbit Sweetheart> Mei - 1 General
Temple Elder
49 Elite Monster
Heraldic Guard Vespasius
60 Boss Monster
Lamassu Guard
58 General Monster