AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
熔岩口 - 1 General Monster
Arcadian Exploration Group Scarth - 1 General
Boghossian - 1 General
Arcadian Exploration Group Scarth - 1 General
暗黑結晶 - 58 General Monster
8th Apostle
83 General Monster
Arcadian Exploration Group Scarth - 1 General
Third Eye Samsonite - 58 Boss Monster
Third Eye Samsonite - 58 Boss Monster
Partisan Cultist - 60 General
010世界王表演用 - 55 Elite Monster
Jungle Colossus Anatolii - 55 General
Trojan Horse Lakhan
70 Boss Monster
二王死亡表演生物 - 1 General
Bootsy - 1 General
熔岩口 - 1 General Monster
Blotwell - 1 General
Star Maiden Sakura
100 Boss Monster
26th Apostle
100 General Monster
Treasure chest - 1 Interactive
Treasure chest - 1 Interactive
Treasure chest - 1 Interactive
海盜術士 - 1 General
黑隕石透明怪 - 58 General Monster
黑隕石透明怪 - 58 General Monster
隕石殘留怪 - 58 General Monster
<禁斷魔眼> 赫茲 - 58 Boss Monster
<禁斷魔眼> 赫茲 - 58 Boss Monster
Prince of Alfenheim Alphonse - 60 General
27th Apostle
100 General Monster
Void Energy Crystal - 1 General
部落戰士A - 1 General
Prototype FI-425 - 1 General
Ice Sphere - 1 General
暗黑結晶 - 58 General Monster
精靈族長老 - 1 General
Infernal Bomb - 55 General Monster
暗黑結晶 - 58 General Monster
掃描間歇熔岩 - 55 General Monster
間歇熔岩 - 55 General Monster
7th Apostle
82 General Monster
005世界王判定用 - 1 General Monster
006世界王判定用 - 1 General Monster
007世界王判定用 - 1 General Monster
010世界王判定用 - 1 General Monster
011世界王判定用 - 1 General Monster
006世界王表演 - 1 General Monster
Beryl's Adviser Grigori - 1 General Monster
28th Apostle
100 General Monster
005世界王召喚陣 - 1 General Monster