AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
<Broken Sword> Yingfo
116 Boss Monster
<Bundle of Energy> Gogo
70 Boss Monster
<Bundle of Energy> Gogo - 1 General
<Bundle of Energy> Gogo
60 Boss Monster
<Bundle of Energy> Gogo
100 Boss Monster
<Bundle of Energy> Gogo
80 Boss Monster
<Bundle of Energy> Gogo - 1 General
<Bundle of Energy> Gogo - 1 General
<Bunny Battalion> Holly - 1 General
<Bunny Battalion> Holly - 1 General
<Bunny Battalion> Holly - 1 General
<Bunny Battalion> Lara - 1 General
<Bunny Battalion> Lara - 1 General
<Bunny Battalion> Leni - 1 General
<Bunny Battalion> Leni - 1 General
<Bunny Battalion> Leni - 1 General
<Bunny Battalion> Sasha - 1 General
<Bunny Battalion> Shasha - 1 General
<Bunny Battalion> Shasha - 1 General
<Butler Mumu> Cecil - 1 General
<Butler Mumu> Cecil - 1 General
<Buyer> Junmei - 1 General
<Camp Guard> Robang - 1 General
<Candied-heart Bunny> Berry - 1 General
<Candied-heart Bunny> Berry - 1 General
<Candied-heart Bunny> Berry - 1 General
<Candied-heart Bunny> Berry - 69 Elite Monster
<Candy Store Young Master> Bai Tian - 1 General
<Candy Thief> Candy
20 General Monster
<Cannoneer> Trena - 1 General
<Cannoneer> Trena - 1 General
<Captain of the Royal Guard> Proz
71 Elite Monster
<Cat Burglar> Yuri
50 World Boss
<Catering to Individual Needs> KongQiu - 1 General
<Chamber Guardian> Vigilant Sentry Heavy Armor - 52 Boss Monster
<Chaos Marshal> Kaos
111 Boss Monster
<Chaos Marshal> Kaos
111 Boss Monster
<Chaos Source> Grassland Insects - 1 General Monster
<Chaos Source> Mischievous Spirit. - 1 General Monster
<Chaos Source>Giant Crab - 1 General Monster
<Charging Magic-Powered Mech> Wofenek Type II - 130 Boss Monster
<Charging Magic-Powered Mech> Wofuneck Type 2 - 130 Boss Monster
<Chest> Medium-sized chest - 1 General
<Chest> Small Chest - 1 General
<Chief of the Bru tribe> Bruno Drag - 1 General
<Chief of the Jade Rabbit Tribe> Reby - 1 General
<Chief of the Resistance> Diao Yan - 1 General
<Children Nearby> Toto - 1 General
<Chilling Flames> Evelotte
98 Boss Monster
<Chilling Flames> Evelotte
117 Boss Monster