AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
98 General Monster
98 General Monster
98 General Monster
98 General Monster
Medic Kate - 1 General
Medicago Root - 1 Interactive
Medical Assistant Beryl - 1 General
Medical Assistant Beryl - 15 General
Medical Supplies - 1 Interactive
Medical Supply Box - 1 Interactive
Medical Supply Box - 1 Interactive
Medicinal Herbs - 1 Interactive
Medicinal Herbs - 1 Interactive
Meet Derea at T-Point. - 1 General
Meet up with Cedric. - 1 General
Meet up with Hal. - 1 General
Meet up with Rodney. - 1 General
Meet up with Rodney. - 1 General
Meet up with Shemshem! - 1 General
Meet with Plymouth and the captains. - 1 General
Melancholy hedgehog Sony - 5 General
Melted Fruit Puree - 127 General Monster
Melted Fruit Puree - 127 General Monster
Meltor - 1 General
Memory Conch - 130 Interactive
Mendicant Shadowleaf
32 Elite Monster
Mentor Tobias - 1 General
Meow Express Abby - 1 General
Meow Express Branch (Barrel Push) - 3 Interactive
Meow Express Branch (Barrel) - 3 Interactive
Meow Express Branch (Table) - 1 Interactive
Meow Express Branch (Truck) - 2 Interactive
Meow Express Branch (Wooden Box) - 2 Interactive
Meow Express Domino - 1 General
Meow Express Gray Gray - 1 General
Meow Express Locke - 1 General
Meow Express Manny - 1 General
Meow Express Mimi Rabbit - 1 General
Meow Express Muda - 1 General
Meow Express Nicolette - 1 General
Meow Express Panda Bear - 1 General
Meow Express Pochi - 1 General
Meow Express Puta - 1 General
Meow Express Qiu - 1 General
Meow Express Romi - 1 General
Meow Express Yoyo - 1 General
Meow Power - Dick Milli - 80 Boss Monster
Meow Power - Dick Milli - 60 Boss Monster
Meow Power - Dick Milli - 70 Boss Monster
Meow Power - Erinata - 60 Boss Monster