AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Stone Statue of a Sheep alpaca - 1 Interactive
Translucent Sheep Camel alpaca - 1 Interactive
Golden Chess Piece - 1 Interactive
Golden Chess Piece (Translucent) - 1 Interactive
Pink Hourglass - 1 Interactive
Pink Hourglass (Translucent) - 1 Interactive
Blue Hourglass - 1 Interactive
Blue Hourglass (Translucent) - 1 Interactive
Brown Bear - 1 Interactive
Brown Bear (Translucent) - 1 Interactive
Pink Bear - 1 Interactive
Pink Bear (Translucent) - 1 Interactive
Vendor 1 - 1 Interactive
Vendor 2 - 1 Interactive
Vendor 3 - 1 Interactive
Vendor 4 - 1 Interactive
Yellow Circle (Invisible Creature) - 1 General
Green Circle (Invisible Creature) - 1 General
Blue Circle (Invisible Creature) - 1 General
Purple Circle (Invisible Creature) - 1 General
Boy - 1 Interactive
Girl - 1 Interactive
Uncle - 1 Interactive
Flower Monster - 1 General Monster
Monster Hunter - 99 General Monster
The Royal City of Arcadia - 1 General
Evening Party Venue - 1 General
Scarecrow - 1 Interactive
Dry firewood - 1 Interactive
Stone Statue of a Sheep alpaca - 1 Interactive
Golden Chess Piece - 1 Interactive
Pink Hourglass - 1 Interactive
Blue Hourglass - 1 Interactive
Brown Bear - 1 Interactive
Pink Bear - 1 Interactive
粉色能量柱 - 1 General
藍色能量柱 - 1 General
篝火 - 1 General
粉色能量柱 - 1 Interactive
藍色能量柱 - 1 Interactive
裝飾用兔子 - 1 Interactive
裝飾用粉豬 - 1 Interactive
裝飾用斑紋豬 - 1 Interactive
裝飾用熊貓 - 1 Interactive
裝飾用黑熊 - 1 Interactive
裝飾用藍鳥 - 1 Interactive
裝飾用紫鳥 - 1 Interactive
裝飾用粉鳥 - 1 Interactive
裝飾用綠鳥 - 1 Interactive
裝飾用黃鳥 - 1 Interactive