AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Cyclops Bloodroot Squidbert - 38 Boss Monster
Trojan Horse Lakhan - 38 Boss Monster
Fungal Crocosaur Sobek - 38 Boss Monster
Deepsea Kaiju Kronkite - 38 Boss Monster
達貢水池 - 38 General Monster
冷卻水池 - 38 General Monster
導電水池 - 38 General Monster
Ocular Triplet Pupile - 38 Boss Monster
Lobsterfrog Crabtree - 38 Boss Monster
Leggostein Mycroft - 38 Boss Monster
Raiser of the Dead Blight - 1 General
Magic Academy Bagotrix - 1 General
Magic Academy Chaney - 1 General
Inferno Force - 38 General Monster
Aqua Force - 38 General Monster
Zephyrean Force - 38 General Monster
Telluric Force - 38 General Monster
Cleansing Fountain - 48 General Monster
The Cursed Thorn Nadirr
58 General
The Cursed Thorn Nadirr
58 General
柵欄 - 1 General
遺跡中心擋牆 - 1 General
Shearing Blast - 50 General Monster
世界王消失用 - 1 General Monster
Enchantress Claire
52 Boss Monster
小王出生表演生物 - 1 General
尾王出生表演生物 - 1 General
擋牆用特效生物 - 1 General Monster
<生命求道者> 茲卡烏巴 - 52 Boss Monster
柵欄 - 1 General
<生命求道者> 茲卡烏巴 - 52 Boss Monster
Inferno Force - 38 General Monster
Aqua Force - 38 General Monster
Zephyrean Force - 38 General Monster
Telluric Force - 38 General Monster
Kronkite's Pool - 38 General Monster
Cooldown Pool - 38 General Monster
Arcadian Exploration Group Efraim - 1 General
Arcadian Exploration Group Efraim - 1 General
柵欄 - 1 General
火炬 - 1 General
Jungle Colossus Anatolii - 55 General
010世界王表演用 - 55 Elite Monster
Partisan Cultist - 60 General
The Cursed Thorn Nadirr
58 General
Third Eye Samsonite - 58 Boss Monster
Third Eye Samsonite - 58 Boss Monster
Arcadian Exploration Group Scarth - 1 General
Arcadian Exploration Group Scarth - 1 General
薩克雷德的魔法書 - 55 General