Name | Attribute | Level | Type |
Mutated Mad Rabbit | 110 | General Monster | |
Mutated Mad Rabbit | 20 | General Monster | |
Mutated Icy Cherry Bug | 75 | Elite Monster | |
Mutated Fish | 70 | General Monster | |
Mutated Butterpillar | - | 27 | General Monster |
Mutated Aqua Sprite Emilia | 41 | Boss Monster | |
Mutant Yak | - | 1 | General |
Mutant Yak | 69 | Elite Monster | |
Mutant Reindeer Vixen-X | - | 50 | World Boss |
Mutant Reindeer Donner-X | - | 50 | World Boss |
Mutant Reindeer Blitzen-X | - | 50 | World Boss |
Mutant Dirty Slime Monster | - | 11 | General Monster |
Mutant Bush | - | 1 | General Monster |
Mutant | - | 90 | General Monster |
Mustard Greens | - | 1 | Interactive |
Music of the Valley Nozu | 90 | World Boss | |
Music of the Valley Nozu | 90 | World Boss | |
Music Note Pack | - | 1 | General |
Mushroom Spores | 125 | Interactive | |
Mushroom Spores | 125 | Interactive | |
Mushroom Spores | 125 | Interactive | |
Mushroom Spores | 125 | Interactive | |
Mushroom | - | 68 | Interactive |
Mum's Workbench | - | 1 | General |
Mum's Grocery Store Iglim | - | 1 | General |
Muffin | - | 1 | General |
Mr. Crab | - | 1 | General |
Move on to the next location | - | 1 | General |
Move forward carefully. | - | 1 | General |
Mouri Sheep | - | 1 | General Monster |
Mountain's Shadow Nayer | 90 | World Boss | |
Mountain shape | - | 1 | General |
Mountain Bandits | 85 | General Monster | |
Mount Vendor Lavigny | - | 1 | General |
Motley Macaw | - | 1 | General |
Mother | - | 1 | General |
Mossy Bramblevine | - | 1 | Interactive |
Mossy Bogfish | 55 | General Monster | |
Morph Hazan | - | 1 | General |
Morph Hazan | 32 | Elite Monster | |
Morose Girl Rita | - | 1 | General |
Morning Glory | - | 1 | Interactive |
Moonlit Tree Spirit | - | 1 | General |
Moonlight Valley | - | 1 | General |
Moonlight Treasure Tree | - | 120 | General Monster |
Moonlight Soaked Beili | 95 | Elite Monster | |
Moonlight Soaked | 101 | Boss Monster | |
Moonlight Soaked | 101 | Elite Monster | |
Moonlight Soaked | 120 | Boss Monster | |
Moonlight Soaked | 120 | Elite Monster |