AstralTale-DB is a database for Astral Tale. You can download the game from X-Legend or Steam.

Astral Tale NPCs

Name Attribute Level Type
Find the goddess's realm. - 1 General
Head to the oasis. - 1 General
Find Plymouth. - 1 General
Find Ashrita. - 1 General
Find Ashrita. - 1 General
Make sure that Ashrita isn't lost. - 1 General
Point Ashrita in the right direction. - 1 General
Approach him silently. - 1 General
Talk to Cyril. - 1 General
Locate the princess's scepter. - 1 General
Find Plymouth and Cyril. - 1 General
Get closer and confirm. - 1 General
Follow the siblings to Raywing Harbor. - 1 General
Follow the kid's footprints. - 1 General
Escape to somewhere safe! - 1 General
Escape to somewhere safe! - 1 General
Catch up with the elf siblings. - 1 General
Catch up with the elf siblings. - 1 General
Approach the bush. - 1 General
Find out who is waving at you. - 1 General
Stop Neal from firing his gun. - 1 General
Take the bullet for Jack. - 1 General
Catch up with Rose. - 1 General
Go talk to Rose. - 1 General
Find the source of the smell. - 1 General
Find the living rotworm. - 1 General
Find the remains in the northeast. - 1 General
Find the rotworm remains in the south. - 1 General
Find the source of the sound. - 1 General
Get the lowdown from Jeremy and Jemma. - 1 General
Find Jeremy and Jemma. - 1 General
Help Jeremy and Jemma. - 1 General
Go to the meeting place. - 1 General
Go to the edge of the lake. - 1 General
Head back and visit Coco and Hounder. - 1 General
Go west as Coco advised. - 1 General
Head to the lake. - 1 General
Find out who he is. - 1 General
Follow the foul-smelling mercenary. - 1 General
Follow the foul-smelling mercenary. - 1 General
Follow the footprints. - 1 General
Follow the footprints. - 1 General
Infiltrate the empty space. - 1 General
Stride into the open space. - 1 General
Accompany Cindy to the northwest. - 1 General
Go to the girl. - 1 General
Get ahold of Bmitri. - 1 General
Listen to the fortune teller. - 1 General
Find the fortune teller. - 1 General
Find Bmitri in the Infernal Grotto. - 1 General