Basic Information
Type Demon Chapter

True Apuka Notes

Location: Band of Brawlers
Monster Name: True‧Apka
Legend has it that there is a monster named Apka who loves to eat ice-cold popsicles in hot places. The popsicle sticks left behind by Apka possess the power to revive the dead. In order to obtain this power, many people have traveled far and wide across the continent, searching for Apka's whereabouts in all the hot places. However, several years have passed and no one has ever seen Apka. More and more people have chosen to give up, considering Apka as a non-existent creature. When someone occasionally mentions this monster, people's faces are no longer filled with excitement, but rather with calmness, because they no longer believe in the existence of Apka and that miraculous popsicle stick.
Memory Details
Stat Full Effect
SPD +20
CRIT +140
ACC +20
Normal ATK and Skill DMG +160
Elemental DMG received -200
Memory Core
Rank % Materials
1 10%
2 20%
3 30%
4 40%
5 50%
6 60%
7 70%
8 80%
9 90%
10 100%
10 100%
Memory Points
Rank Stat
Success Rate
1 SPD +1 1 100%
2 SPD +2 2 80%
3 SPD +3 3 75%
4 SPD +4 4 65%
5 SPD +5 5 50%
6 SPD +6 6 45%
7 SPD +7 7 30%
8 SPD +8 8 30%
9 SPD +9 9 30%
10 SPD +10 10 30%
1 CRIT +7 1 100%
2 CRIT +14 2 80%
3 CRIT +21 3 75%
4 CRIT +28 4 65%
5 CRIT +35 5 50%
6 CRIT +42 6 45%
7 CRIT +49 7 30%
8 CRIT +56 8 30%
9 CRIT +63 9 30%
10 CRIT +70 10 30%
1 ACC +1 1 100%
2 ACC +2 2 80%
3 ACC +3 3 75%
4 ACC +4 4 65%
5 ACC +5 5 50%
6 ACC +6 6 45%
7 ACC +7 7 30%
8 ACC +8 8 30%
9 ACC +9 9 30%
10 ACC +10 10 30%
1 Normal ATK and Skill DMG +8 1 100%
2 Normal ATK and Skill DMG +16 2 80%
3 Normal ATK and Skill DMG +24 3 75%
4 Normal ATK and Skill DMG +32 4 65%
5 Normal ATK and Skill DMG +40 5 50%
6 Normal ATK and Skill DMG +48 6 45%
7 Normal ATK and Skill DMG +56 7 30%
8 Normal ATK and Skill DMG +64 8 30%
9 Normal ATK and Skill DMG +72 9 30%
10 Normal ATK and Skill DMG +80 10 30%
1 CRIT DMG +11 1 100%
2 CRIT DMG +22 2 80%
3 CRIT DMG +33 3 75%
4 CRIT DMG +44 4 65%
5 CRIT DMG +55 5 50%
6 CRIT DMG +66 6 45%
7 CRIT DMG +77 7 30%
8 CRIT DMG +88 8 30%
9 CRIT DMG +99 9 30%
10 CRIT DMG +110 10 30%
1 Elemental DMG received -10 1 100%
2 Elemental DMG received -20 2 80%
3 Elemental DMG received -30 3 75%
4 Elemental DMG received -40 4 65%
5 Elemental DMG received -50 5 50%
6 Elemental DMG received -60 6 45%
7 Elemental DMG received -70 7 30%
8 Elemental DMG received -80 8 30%
9 Elemental DMG received -90 9 30%
10 Elemental DMG received -100 10 30%