Basic Information
Type Chapter of Star Light

Joy of Snow Crystals

As the weather gets colder, the water molecules in the air gradually condense into various beautiful forms, and my favorite season is coming again.
Just like in previous years, people are starting to prepare things for winter, and many Christmas trees are being decorated in the Royal City. People who enjoy festivities are getting ready to launch various activities.
After the Rainbow Festival, I walked around the Royal City with Lulu, Meledy, and the brave hero for a while before we split up... Should I do something too?
...Phew, with so many "gifts" prepared, everyone should be able to have a good time.
I probably don't need to stay here for the remaining time... right? I also want to see what others have done.
Hmph~ It's quite interesting. Using the little snow robot to deliver gifts, but this robot is too easy to break!
The ice skating rink in Kuita is also very fun. Luna is having a great time with the children. And that huge red chicken is just too cute!
Huh? What is this teleportation vortex? Inside... huh? Alesia, Tannis, and Meledy? What are they doing in there?
...Oh~ Gift exchange, so that's what it is.
Since the last time I separated from Meledy, she and Lulu and the brave hero came to this gift exchange event.
I also want to play, and, conveniently, I also prepared a lot of things to exchange.
And so, I also started playing gift exchange with them.
During the process, many people joined and happily went home with the gifts they exchanged.
After a few days, Lulu also appeared. She got lost on her way to find gifts and only showed up now.
We exchanged gifts with all sorts of people, and at the same time, the water molecules in the air grew larger and larger.
Finally, everything reached a delicate threshold, and it started snowing in the Royal City.
We, a group of people, sang and danced in the snow, while unwrapping gifts and celebrating the arrival of Christmas.
I gently cupped a snowflake in my hand, it was an exquisitely delicate and unique snowflake.
Its intricate crystal branches symbolize the upcoming joyous Christmas.
Memory Details
Stat Full Effect
Max HP +8000
EVA +6400
SPD +6400
CRIT +6400
ACC +6400
Skill DMG received -24000
Elemental DMG received -12000
Arcane DMG received -12000
Memory Core
Rank % Materials
1 25%
2 50%
3 75%
4 100%
Memory Points
Rank Stat
Success Rate
1 SPD +400 1 100%
2 SPD +800 1 100%
3 SPD +1200 1 100%
4 SPD +1600 2 100%
1 CRIT +400 1 100%
2 CRIT +800 1 100%
3 CRIT +1200 1 100%
4 CRIT +1600 2 100%
1 ACC +400 1 100%
2 ACC +800 1 100%
3 ACC +1200 1 100%
4 ACC +1600 2 100%
1 SPD +400 1 100%
2 SPD +800 1 100%
3 SPD +1200 1 100%
4 SPD +1600 2 100%
1 CRIT +400 1 100%
2 CRIT +800 1 100%
3 CRIT +1200 1 100%
4 CRIT +1600 2 100%
1 ACC +400 1 100%
2 ACC +800 1 100%
3 ACC +1200 1 100%
4 ACC +1600 2 100%
1 Max HP +500 1 100%
2 Max HP +1000 1 100%
3 Max HP +1500 1 100%
4 Max HP +2000 2 100%
1 EVA +400 1 100%
2 EVA +800 1 100%
3 EVA +1200 1 100%
4 EVA +1600 2 100%
1 Skill DMG received -750 1 100%
2 Skill DMG received -1500 1 100%
3 Skill DMG received -2250 1 100%
4 Skill DMG received -3000 2 100%
1 Skill DMG received -750 1 100%
2 Skill DMG received -1500 1 100%
3 Skill DMG received -2250 1 100%
4 Skill DMG received -3000 2 100%
1 Elemental DMG received -750 1 100%
2 Elemental DMG received -1500 1 100%
3 Elemental DMG received -2250 1 100%
4 Elemental DMG received -3000 2 100%
1 Arcane DMG received -750 1 100%
2 Arcane DMG received -1500 1 100%
3 Arcane DMG received -2250 1 100%
4 Arcane DMG received -3000 2 100%
1 Max HP +500 1 100%
2 Max HP +1000 1 100%
3 Max HP +1500 1 100%
4 Max HP +2000 2 100%
1 EVA +400 1 100%
2 EVA +800 1 100%
3 EVA +1200 1 100%
4 EVA +1600 2 100%
1 Skill DMG received -750 1 100%
2 Skill DMG received -1500 1 100%
3 Skill DMG received -2250 1 100%
4 Skill DMG received -3000 2 100%
1 Skill DMG received -750 1 100%
2 Skill DMG received -1500 1 100%
3 Skill DMG received -2250 1 100%
4 Skill DMG received -3000 2 100%
1 Arcane DMG received -750 1 100%
2 Arcane DMG received -1500 1 100%
3 Arcane DMG received -2250 1 100%
4 Arcane DMG received -3000 2 100%
1 Elemental DMG received -750 1 100%
2 Elemental DMG received -1500 1 100%
3 Elemental DMG received -2250 1 100%
4 Elemental DMG received -3000 2 100%