Basic Information
Type Chapter of Celebration

Shared Adventure Memories

Memory Story:
We are two souls sharing one body.

"Look at this guy! He looks so weird! Hahaha-"
Whenever someone uttered such words, the red me would always step forward to fight them until they dared not say another word.

We were like lone Wytewolves, always acting alone, believing that having each other was enough.

Until that person extended a friendly hand to us, fierce and aggressive as we were, we met someone trustworthy, someone we could call a partner.
The days we spent together were joyful, and gradually, our partner's beliefs and desires became our goals.

But alas, when the blade pierced through our chest, everything seemed to lose its color.
Our body felt so heavy as if it wasn't our own, we could feel life slipping away, our body growing cold.
We could faintly hear the sound of fireworks and laughter in the distance, as if celebrating something.

"Die, you filthy creatures-"
The cries of people attacking us echoed in our minds, so, were we the evil ones?

We just wanted to fulfill our partner's wishes.
Memory Details
Stat Full Effect
ATK +300
Normal ATK DMG +200
Skill DMG +160
Healing Potency +220
Received Healing +300
Memory Core
Rank % Materials
1 10%
2 20%
3 30%
4 40%
5 50%
6 60%
7 70%
8 80%
9 90%
10 100%
10 100%
Memory Points
Rank Stat
Success Rate
1 ATK +15 1 100%
2 ATK +30 2 80%
3 ATK +45 3 75%
4 ATK +60 4 65%
5 ATK +75 5 50%
6 ATK +90 6 45%
7 ATK +105 7 30%
8 ATK +120 8 30%
9 ATK +135 9 30%
10 ATK +150 10 30%
1 Normal ATK DMG +10 1 100%
2 Normal ATK DMG +20 2 80%
3 Normal ATK DMG +30 3 75%
4 Normal ATK DMG +40 4 65%
5 Normal ATK DMG +50 5 50%
6 Normal ATK DMG +60 6 45%
7 Normal ATK DMG +70 7 30%
8 Normal ATK DMG +80 8 30%
9 Normal ATK DMG +90 9 30%
10 Normal ATK DMG +100 10 30%
1 Skill DMG +8 1 100%
2 Skill DMG +16 2 80%
3 Skill DMG +24 3 75%
4 Skill DMG +32 4 65%
5 Skill DMG +40 5 50%
6 Skill DMG +48 6 45%
7 Skill DMG +56 7 30%
8 Skill DMG +64 8 30%
9 Skill DMG +72 9 30%
10 Skill DMG +80 10 30%
1 Healing Potency +11 1 100%
2 Healing Potency +22 2 80%
3 Healing Potency +33 3 75%
4 Healing Potency +44 4 65%
5 Healing Potency +55 5 50%
6 Healing Potency +66 6 45%
7 Healing Potency +77 7 30%
8 Healing Potency +88 8 30%
9 Healing Potency +99 9 30%
10 Healing Potency +110 10 30%
1 Received Healing +15 1 100%
2 Received Healing +30 2 80%
3 Received Healing +45 3 75%
4 Received Healing +60 4 65%
5 Received Healing +75 5 50%
6 Received Healing +90 6 45%
7 Received Healing +105 7 30%
8 Received Healing +120 8 30%
9 Received Healing +135 9 30%
10 Received Healing +150 10 30%