Basic Information
Type Gift Box
Quality Common
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 63855

Tiger's Leap Over Ten Thousand Mountains Font Pack

Right-click to Use and you may obtain one of the following items:
- Astral Crystal x1
- Loot Charm V x1
- Revival Potion x1
- Senshi Gem Grab Bag x1
- Intermediate Star Gem Gift Bag x1
- Dye Grab Bag x1
- Portal Key x1
- Dazzling Key x1
- Bank Access Key x1
- Auction House Key x1
- Grocery Key x1
- Outfit Reshuffling Scroll x1
- Starstone Reshuffling Scroll x1
- Archaic Starstone Reshuffling Scroll x1
- Costume Reshuffling Scroll x1
- Superior Enchant: Head Costume Grab Bag x1
- Superior Enchant: Head Costume Grab Bag x1
- Superior Enchant: Face Costume Grab Bag x1
- Superior Enchant: Body Costume Grab Bag x1
- Superior Enchant: Back Costume Grab Bag x1
- Superior Enchant: Weapon Costume Grab Bag x1
- Advanced Class EXP Badge x1
- Advanced Character EXP Badge x1

There is also an additional chance to obtain one of the following items:
- Fortune Collecting Gold Card "Tiger" x1
- Fortune Collecting Gold Card "Leap" x1
- Fortune Collecting Gold Card "New" x1
- Fortune Collecting Gold Card "Cheng" x1
- Fortune Collecting Red Card "Tiger" x1
- Fortune Gathering Character Red Card "Xiao" x1
- Fortune Collecting Red Card "Year" x1
- Fortune Red Card "Abundance" x1