Basic Information
Type Gift Box
Quality Common
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 63781

Azure Oath Star Box

Right-click to Use and you may obtain one of the following items:
Astral Crystal x10~1000

And you may obtain one of the following items:
Vivid Colors. Azure Oath Summoning Circle x1
Order Maintenance. Azure Oath Summoning Circle x1
Azure Oath Summoning Circle x1
Rock Oath Summoning Circle x1
Warhammer: Azure Oath Summoning Circle x1
Sanctuary: Azure Oath Summoning Circle x1
Azure Oath Summoning Circle x1
Pledge Star Feather.Yuuki Starfeather x1
Pledge Star Feather.Ishtar x1
Pledge Star Feather.Hana x1
Pledge Star Feather.Libella x1
Pledge Star Feather. Samuel x1
Pledge Star Feather. Vera x1
Pledge Star Feather. Zorro x1
Star Feather - Yuuki Starfeather x1
Star Feather - Ishtar x1
Star Feather - Hana x1
Star Feather - Libella x1
Star Feather Samuel x1
Star Feather Vera x1
Star Feather Zorro x1
Fantasy Star Gift Redeem Voucher x1