Basic Information
Type Gift Box
Quality Epic
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 62753

Luxury Gift Pack of the Christmas Reindeer

Can't be stored in account bank.
Level Required: 1

Redeem after giving the Reindeer Sled Supreme Model to .

- Faint Senshi Redeem Voucher x1

- Flash Senshi Redeem Voucher x1
- Radiance Senshi Redeem Voucher x1
- Advanced Gear Evolution Scroll x1
- Advanced Accessory Evolution Scroll x1
- Advanced Trinket Evolution Scroll x1
- Star Gear Evolution Scroll x1
- Star Accessory Evolution Scroll x1
- Star Trinket Evolution Scroll x1
- 6-Star Gear Evolution Guarantee x1
- 6-Star Accessory Evolution Guarantee x1
- 6-Star Trinket Fortification Guarantee x1
- 7-Star Gear Evolution Guarantee x1
- 7-Star Accessory Evolution Guarantee x1
- 7-Star Trinket Fortification Guarantee x1
- Mystery Skin Box x1
- Mystery Appearance Bundle Box x1
- Mystery Box of Headgear Appearance x1
- 50 Loyalty Points x1
- 100 Loyalty Points x1
- 200 Loyalty Points x1
- 500 Loyalty Points x1
- 1000 Loyalty Points x1

Additionally, you can obtain one of the following items:
- Firework Fireworks x3
- Asuna Fireworks x3
- Waterfall Fireworks x3
- Flash Fireworks x3
Product Materials NPC
<Christmas Reindeer>
Little deer