Basic Information
Type Gift Box
Quality Epic
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 62748

Christmas Reindeer's Special Gift Pack

Can't be stored in account bank.
Level Required: 1

The gift from the little deer is seemingly small but packed with heartfelt sentiments, obtainable after completing daily tasks!

Right-click to use and receive one of the following items:

- Faint Senshi Redeem Voucher x1
- 20-Slot Backpack x1
- Advanced Gear Evolution Scroll x1
- Advanced Accessories Strenghtening Scroll x1
- Advanced Trinket Evolution Scroll x1
- Gear Evolution Scroll x1
- Accessory Evolution Scroll x1
- Trinket Evolution Scroll x1
- 20 Loyalty Points x1
- 50 Loyalty Points x1
- 100 Loyalty Points x1
- Grand Astral Fragment x3

Additionally, you can receive one of the following items:
- Firework Firework x1
- Asuna Firework x1
- Waterfall Firework x1
- Flash Firework x1
Quest Reward
Quest Type
Lv20.來自麋鹿的求助 Event
Lv20.修復聖誕雪橇 Event (Daily)
Lv20.破壞雪橇的兇手? Event (Daily)