Basic Information
Type Gift Box
Quality Common
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 60481

Ancient Witch Gift Box (Praetor)

Isydol, who woke up from the rose bushes, saw the beautiful world at first sight. She was curious about everything in the human world. As she experienced many things, she gradually became tired of the ugliness and fragility of human beings, and then walked around the world in a single form. It has been thousands of years.

Right-click to obtain one of the following items:
Isydol's Praetor Contract x10
Isydol's Praetor Contract x5
Isydol's Praetor Contract x1
Loot Charm II x2
Loot Charm III x1
Praetor Evolution Stone x4
Praetor's Gem of Fond x1
Large Stardust Energy x1
Shining Starstone Crystal x1
Character EXP Book x6
Class EXP Book x6
Regen Potion x4