Basic Information
Type Gift Box
Quality Common
Max Stack 100
Detailed Information
ID: 60104

Kawaii Kitsune (Senshi)

As the last remaining heir to the Vulpes royal line, Koharu is imbued with incredible innate power. Her mastery of flame is second to none, and all evildoers who cross her path-or even worse, threaten the Vulpes-suffer a fiery, untimely fate.

Right-click to obtain one of the following items:
Senshi Contract - Koharu x10
Senshi Contract - Koharu x5
Senshi Contract - Koharu x1
Loot Charm II x2
Loot Charm III x1
Senshi Evolution Stone x4
Friendship Gem x1
Large Astral Fragment x1
Radiant Starstone Crystal x1
Character EXP Book x6
Class EXP Book x6
Regen Potion x4